Associação das Mulheres Munduruku Wakoborun

$5,000 to support an assembly led by Munduruku women to strengthen alliances and plan to confront threats to defend collective territories in the Brazilian Amazon that are almost entirely covered with pristine forests despite the constant menace of illegal loggers, wildcat miners and other threats in the form of various concessions, as well as the assault on Indigenous rights that has occurred since the election of Brazil’s far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad (IIDS) supporting Federation of the Achuar Nationality of Peru (FENAP)

$5,000 to support a delegation of Achuar and Wampis Indigenous leaders to pressure GeoPark at its annual shareholders meeting in Santiago, Chile, to cancel their planned oil extraction project on Indigenous territory in the Peruvian Amazon. During the delegation GeoPark announced it is withdrawing its request for the environmental permit to drill for oil in Block 64. This was shortly after their plans were set back by roughly 6 months after the Achuar challenged the company’s Environmental Impact Study though a series of documented objections, to which GeoPark was forced to respond.

Amazon Watch in partnership with Asociación Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Alternativo (Fundación Aldea) and Comisión Ecuménica de los Derechos Humanos (CEDHU)

$4,000 to support the Tejiendo Territorios: Encuentro de Defensoras de America Latino (Weaving Territories: Summit of Latin American Women Defenders), bringing together diverse frontline Indigenous women to share, learn, and build collective regional strategies for the defense of their territories and their rights within the new context of threats to their lives, lands, and cultures.

Amazon Frontlines in coordination with Indigenous Climate Action

$5,000 to support a delegation of First Nation leaders from Canada to travel to Ecuador to learn firsthand and support efforts by the Waorani people, who live in the upper headwaters of the Amazon river in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse areas on earth, to secure a moratorium to block future efforts to drill for oil on their ancestral territory covering 2.5 million acres.

Amazon Watch (distributing funds to 5 Ecuador-based Indigenous organizations)

$5,000 to support the Women Defenders of the Amazon Against Extraction, an Ecuadorian Amazon based Indigenous women-led coalition, which has developed a 22-point Mandate detailing Indigenous rights violations primarily related to existing and proposed industrial extractive projects and met with the Ecuadorian President in 2018 securing commitments related to the Mandate. The coalition is commemorating International Women’s Day with cultural events and activities and actions/marches with women in their own communities to share the latest news, discuss new strategies and activities to implement the Mandate, and to strengthen the unification of Indigenous women defenders across the Ecuadorian Amazon and beyond.

Photo of Sapara leader Irene Toqueton Vargas by Santiago Cornejo

Save Rivers

$4,800 to support several Indigenous villages working together to stop industrial logging that would impact their traditional territories, which cover about 125,000 acres and include some of the last remaining primary forest in Sarawak, Malaysia.

CONCONAWEP Federacion Waorani

$5,000 to support efforts by the Waorani people, who live in the upper headwaters of the Amazon river in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse areas on earth, to secure a moratorium to block future efforts to drill for oil on their ancestral territory covering 2.5 million acres. After months of grassroots organizing and strategic litigation, the Waorani defeated the Ecuadorian government in court; protecting half a million acres of their rainforest territory from an oil and setting a precedent for other indigenous nations to do the same.

Native Organizers Alliance

$10,000 to support a training for trainers and broader Native-led gathering towards building a multi-faceted South Dakota Tribes and national organizing and capacity building strategy centered on Lakota traditional practices of community building in an effort to prepare grassroots Native and non-Native communities for efforts to stop construction of the KXL pipeline if and when it moves forward.

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (TEJAS)

$3,000 to support activities related to the Peoples’ Tribunal on Harvey Recovery, an event meant to uplift the first-hand accounts of Hurricane Harvey’s flooding, the impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable populations, and the status of slow, ongoing recovery efforts a year later in the Houston area, which is home to the largest concentration of petrochemical facilities, storage tanks and infrastructure in the world.

Urban Tilth

$10,000 to support Solidarity to Solutions (Sol2Sol) Week of activities as a counterpoint to the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), explicitly addressing the urgent need to stop new fossil fuel extraction and shift away from a fossil fuel driven economy, as well as the need to center the role of Indigenous peoples and frontline communities in protecting ecologically-critical ecosystems and to address the disproportionate impacts they suffer to their health, livelihood and culture from the effects of climate change and from destructive and invasive extractive industry mega-projects.