$12,500 to support farmers groups in 5 villages in Jambi Province engaged in conflict resolution processes with pulp and paper companies to document land tenure history, perform participatory mapping of conflicts, hold village discussions and trainings (legal, rights and conflict resolution) and coordinate with and pressure company and government officials to resolve conflicts and recognize land rights.

Grassroots Consulting

$5,000 to support work with Indigenous Dayak communities in Sarawak, one of last frontier areas for palm oil expansion left in Malaysia and a critical ecological area due to forests and peatlands, with an action plan and framework towards achieving a mediated resolution to return native customary lands back to community ownership.

Associação das Comunidades Montanha e Mangabal

$4,000 to support descendants of migrant rubber tappers, the river-dwellers of Montanha-Mangabal, along with Indigenous groups in the Tapajós region of the Brazilian Amazon (including Munduruku, Kaxuyana, Tiriyó, Xeréu, Wai Wai, Txikyana, and Apiaká peoples) holding an assembly regarding their collective territorial auto-demarcation processes and to discuss other shared priorities to protect their traditional territories.

Hutan Kita Institute (HaKI)

$10,500 to support efforts to monitor major pulp and paper companies’ implementation of social and environmental commitments in Sumatra, Indonesia. The specific focus is to review concessions that are currently non-active and/or held by small companies, which collectively cover huge areas and are likely targets for expanded operations due to wood supply shortages.

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan (WALHI Sulsel)

$5,000 to support documenting traditional practices and local wisdom and conducting participatory mapping in South Sulawesi, Indonesia as part of the Last Forest campaign and land rights initiative in 6 key regions of critical forest areas throughout the country where large blocks of rainforest have been well-managed by Indigenous communities but are now under threat of mining, palm oil, and pulp and paper plantations.

Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE)

$2,500 to support an Amazonian Women’s Congress and March for International Women’s Day. These activities provided an opportunity to refine strategies for protection of Indigenous territories and to prioritize sustainable alternatives to meet local needs in alignment with the vision of Indigenous women leaders who are steadfast in their demands for no industrial extraction within their communities’ traditional territories.

Defensa y Conservación Ecológica de Intag (DECOIN)

$2,500 to support a mobilization to Ecuador’s capital city of Quito by communities impacted by large-scale mines. This mobilization sought to revoke illegally granted concessions with primary participation coming from the Intag area in the northwest of the country which is home to a biologically diverse and unique cloud forest ecosystem. Intag communities have stopped two previous attempts by multinational mining companies to develop a major open-pit copper mine and are currently fighting to do so again.

Minnesotans for Pipeline Cleanup

$2,500 to support rural community efforts in Minnesota to stop a new tar sands pipeline from Enbridge, Inc. that would traverse over 1,000 miles from Hardisty, Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin, transporting an average of 760,000 barrels of crude oil from the Alberta tar sands each day, as well as pressuring Enbridge to decommission an existing pipeline it plans to abandon and to remediate the soil and water contamination left behind.

BOLD Nebraska

$1,500 to support a project to install solar panels in 3 sites on the land of local landowners opposed to TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline that will be connected to Nebraska’s power grid, generating clean, renewable energy for the state — as opposed to a risky pipeline that would provide little benefit to Nebraskans and threaten farms and ranches and put at risk the critical Ogallala Aquifer and sacred Indigenous sites like the Ponca Trail of Tears.