Japan NGO Network on Indonesia (JANNI)

$2,000 to support a community mapping project being conducted, with support from JANNI, by Dayak communities in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which have faced increasing deforestation resulting from large-scale logging and the rapid advancement of palm oil plantations.

The Alliance for Appalachia

$2,000 to support a three day training for 30 new organizers across Central Appalachia to strengthen grassroots efforts to stop mountaintop removal coal mining and build leadership in new communities.

Eyak Preservation Council

$2,000 to support Eyak Preservation Council’s efforts to protect the Eyak ancestral homeland and the last pristine wild salmon habitat in Alaska by pursing a grassroots strategy to leverage funding towards the acquisition and conservation of the Bering River coalfield, which would mitigate between 100 to 185 million tons of CO2.

Gutting the Heartland

$2,000 to support Gutting the Heartland’s efforts to connect movements against fossil fuel devastation through photos, video and personal narrative, with a particular focus on organizing Illinois Coal Basin residents to stop the expansion of the Eagle Creek #1 mine to 4 times its current operations.

Scale Up – Sustainable Social Development Partnership

$7,000 to support a conflict resolution and negotiation training for 25 United Farmers of Jambi leaders, a mediation process between an Indigenous community and a pulp and paper operation impacting their land, and the compiling of baseline data to prepare for conflict resolution training and support with communities in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia that live near deep peatland ecosystems.

Yayasan Wahana Bumi Hijau (WBH)

$7,500 to support pulp and paper related community engagement, including participatory mapping, monitoring and advocacy work and conflict resolution between several villages and Asia Pulp and Paper and Marubeni Corporation in the district of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) which covers nearly 4.7 million acres of riverine terrain in the east of the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia.

WALHI Kalimantan Barat

$6,000 to support efforts to address the threat of industrial monoculture plantations in West Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo through sharing recently compiled baseline data to be used for planning future campaign activities, including through an advocacy workshop with participation from approximately 40 people representing civil society and impacted communities.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support transportation and partition of Munduruku community from the Tapajós Basin in the Brazilian Amazon, currently fighting to stop 3 planned mega-dams that would impact their territory, to participate in the National Indigenous Mobilization, a week-long protest at the Brazilian Congress in response to a proposed law that would amend the constitution to eliminate Indigenous rights in favor of industry.


$2,000 to support a project in Sarolangun District, Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, working to promote Indigenous land rights through a multi-stakeholder workshop documenting the advantages of Indigenous management systems that, unlike the plantations and gold mining that are threatening the region, provide income supporting the local economy while protecting forests and the watershed.