Mushkegowuk Environmental Research Centre

$3,000 to support a First Nations youth conference, with participation from all 7 communities throughout Ontario that belong to the Mushkegowuk Council, focused on raising awareness around the topic of climate change and providing a forum for the youth to share their concerns and vision for the future of their territory.


$3,000 to support Amo Amazonia, a week of artistic and cultural events to bring the color and life of the Amazon to the streets of Lima and the hearts of the Peruvian people to help educate the general public and shift attitudes in the wake of the recent blockades and conflict between the government and Indigenous peoples defending their rights and land.

Boreal Action Project

$3,000 to support a cross-cultural action camp in Manitoba, Canada between urban activists and youth and Elders from Indigenous communities to discuss methods of furthering mutual goals and build campaign, media, and direct action skills.

Boreal Action Project

$3,000 in support for a cross-cultural action camp in Manitoba, Canada between urban activists and youth and Elders from Indigenous communities to discuss methods of furthering mutual goals and build campaign, media, and direct action skills.

Oilwatch Ecuador

$4,500 in support for a creative campaign backed by the Ecuadorian government that would keep crude oil in the subsoil permanently in YasunĚ_ National Park in the Amazon, halting the planned ITT oil project, in exchange for international financial support.

Grassy Narrows Environmental Committee

5,000 to support travel expenses for 7 members of Grassy Narrows, including youth and chaperones, and one leader from the KI community to go to southern Ontario for a week of activities in support of the First Nations National Day of Action, including erecting a nine-meter teepee on the front lawn of the Ontario legislature.

Lembaga Gemawan

$4,000 to support a community organizing and education campaign to counter heavy government PR around plans for massive expansion of palm oil plantations along the Indonesian/Malaysian border in Sambas District, West Kalimantan.


$5,000 to support a training for local leaders and their subsequent travel to hold 2 day workshops in 50 communities in rainforest regions of Sumatra to inform them about the potential impacts from palm oil plantations, using a film (played on community karaoke systems) of testimonials from already impacted communities.

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC)

$2,500 to support OVEC’s efforts to stop mountaintop removal in West Virginia and to acquire security equipment needed for community leader Maria Gunnoe’s safety as she faces ongoing harassment and intimidation due to her role as a spokesperson and organizer.