Oro Community Environmental Action Network (OCEAN)

$4,000 to support community outreach, education, and organizing in the Musa Pongani area of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, to resist new logging permit applications covering 250,000 hectares approved by the government without consultation as 99 year leases.

Maya Leaders Alliance

$4,000 to support a Supreme Court lawsuit that seeks to force the government to comply with its commitment to abstain from carrying out activities that might affect the value and use of Maya lands in the rainforests of southern Belize without informed consent and the development of a mechanism through which communities can apply to have their lands demarcated. Also supported a mobilization of over 200 community members to attend the trial and speak with national media.

Grupo de Trabajo ‘Racimos de Ungurahui’

$3,000 in support for representatives from Racimos and the Indigenous Achuar federations FECONACO, AIM and ATI, to travel to Calgary and Los Angeles to engage directly with officials of Talisman Energy and Occidental Petroleum at their annual shareholder meetings regarding current and past oil concession on Achuar territory.

Algonquins of Barriere Lake

$3,000 in support for ongoing efforts by the Algonquins, among the most advanced communities in Canada in terms of their research and land use planning, to pressure the government to respect its signed agreements pertaining to resource co-management and sustainable development.

Amazon Jam

$2,500 in support for a 5 day Amazon Jam in Brazil bringing together over 30 young leaders, activists, supporters, and journalists, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous to rally and unite people against oil and soy development in the Amazon.

European Environmental Paper Network (EEPN)

$3,000 to provide bridge funding to maintain a part-time coordinator for 5 months to allow EEPN to continue networking on the Shrink Project (which recently secured a commitment from the French government to reduce paper consumption by 50%), the Indonesia Paper Campaign, and the Virtual Global Summit on the paper industry.

Keepers of the Athabasca

$4,000 in support for the 1st First Nations led documentary project regarding tar sands, focusing on the stories of Elders who have worked, raised families, lived off the land and waters of the region and witnessed the many changes to the watershed and how they have impacted their communities over the course of their lives.