Machiguenga Council of the Urubamba River (COMARU) and Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)

$5,000 to fund an emergency project to carry out a critical analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessments for the upstream and downstream sectors of the Camisea gas project and to distribute the study’s results to Indigenous communities and organizations located in the impact area of the project in order to promote an informed and participative consultation process.

The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group

$1,960 to support the Amani Butterfly Project, which will help ensure the preservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains, a forest region that is one of the most biologically diverse terrestrial habitats in the world, through the creation of a butterfly-farming group among forest-adjacent agricultural communities.

Grupo de Trabajo “Racimos de Ungurahui”

$600 to support the travel of Racimos Director Lily La Torre Lopez and a small team of lawyers and scientists to a meeting of the Achuar people to offer information and technical assistance to the community in support of their resistance to a new pipeline which is planned through their traditional land.

Grupo de Trabajo ‘Racimos de Ungurahui’

$5,865 to allow Racimos staff to receive training in the production and distribution of documentaries to be used as a tool to forward their mission of providing direct support to Indigenous communities in the Peruvian rainforest through capacity building, legal support and the dissemination of information about the threats facing these communities.

Fuerza Ambiental

$5,000 to support the efforts of Fuerza Ambiental and the Sierra Madre Alliance to mount a legal defense and public campaign to free local Tarahumara activist Isidro Baldenegro Lopez (who later received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize) and to resolve the land fraud that has granted control of his community’s forests to drug cartels.

Acción por la Vida

$4,000 to support an effort to prevent the construction of Ecuador’s OCP oil pipeline through the ecologically prized Mindo-Nambillo Cloudforest.

The Nigerian NGO Coalition for the Environment (NGOCE)

$5,001 to support NGOCE’s campaign to protect the Cross River rainforest, the 2nd largest intact forest in Africa and a critical hotspot of biodiversity, through community organizing and the implementation of economic alternatives to logging and bush meat hunting, such as grasscutter, mushroom and snail farms, honey cultivation and the development of soaps and detergents from oils found in forest trees.