Rescate del Bosque Tropical (Rainforest Rescue)

$4,000 to support a reforestation project in the subtropical humid region of Pinchincha, Ecuador aiming to restore 25 acres of forest to its natural state, with the involvement of local families who will also reforest an acre each of their own land, replanting it with native species, including non-timber forest products which may be sold to replace income that would have been generated by the sale of wood and agricultural products.

Luna Media

$10,000 of general support to Luna Media in their work with North Coast Earth First! to continue and increase media outreach as actions continue around Headwaters ancient redwood forests.

Eyak Preservation Council

$5,000 to support a grassroots advocacy campaign directed towards building support for a comprehensive conservation easement alternative to the Bering River extraction project proposed by the Chugach Alaska Corporation.