Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan (WALHI Sulsel)

$5,000 to support documenting traditional practices and local wisdom and conducting participatory mapping in South Sulawesi, Indonesia as part of the Last Forest campaign and land rights initiative in 6 key regions of critical forest areas throughout the country where large blocks of rainforest have been well-managed by Indigenous communities but are now under threat of mining, palm oil, and pulp and paper plantations.

Link-AR Borneo

$8,000 to support training members of several villages in key areas of West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of APP and APRIL’s forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building towards decreasing the large-scale deforestation and marginalization of local communities occurring in the region.

Riau Forest Rescue Network (JIKALAHARI)

$7,500 to support work with 5 villages on Bengkalis Island, Riau, Indonesia, impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires that have not previously had any support to gather data regarding impacts on their customary lands and livelihoods and to engage in community organizing with the goal of protecting peatlands from conversion and securing the return of land rights.

Hutan Kita Institute – HaKI

$5,000 to support efforts to monitor Asia Pulp and Paper’s implementation of its social and environmental commitments and work with communities to help resolve ongoing conflicts related to the OKI Pulp & Paper Mills project, including verifying that any forest clearing process is conducted in accordance with agreements respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities and helping file formal complaints where appropriate.

Link-AR Borneo

$8,000 to support training members of several villages in key areas of West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of major pulp and paper companies’ forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building towards decreasing the large-scale deforestation and marginalization of local communities’ rights that occurring in the region.

Riau Forest Rescue Network (JIKALAHARI)

$7,500 to support work with 5 villages on Bengkalis Island, Riau, Indonesia, impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires that have not previously had any support to gather data regarding impacts on their customary lands and livelihoods and to engage in community organizing with the goal of protecting peatlands from conversion and securing the return of land rights.

Riau Network of Peatland Communities

$5,500 to strengthen the capacity of communities in Riau, Indonesia, to secure land rights and the protection of peatlands and supporting the completion of one conflict resolution process that will provide a model for other villages impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires throughout the province.

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$10,000 to support work with Indigenous Tano Batak families in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari, a US$600 million pulp company, through trainings to build local capacity to protect and sustainably manage forests through agroforestry systems and conducting participatory mapping of Indigenous territories.

Jambi Network of Peatland Communities

$5,750 to support ongoing work strengthening community capacity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to protect peatland ecosystems from the expansion of pulp and paper and palm oil plantations through participatory mapping of community claims and forest cover status to determine how that intersects with where current concessions are located and which companies have the licenses.

Riau Network of Peat Communities

$5,000 to support the process to strengthen the capacity of 9 villages in Siak district in Riau, Indonesia, to engage in conflict resolution with Asia Pulp and Paper and promote policies supporting community rights and protection of peatlands.