Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

$3,000 to provide emergency support to the Indigenous movement in the Peruvian Amazon carrying out blockades to demand a suspension of oil, gas and mining concessions in the Amazon, and the repeal of several new laws drafted to comply with a free trade agreement with the United States, which take away community land rights and allow companies to enter Indigenous land with no prior consultation or even warning.

Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

$2,500 to support a major gathering on the anniversary of an Indigenous-led strike throughout the Peruvian Amazon against oil development with the goal of strengthening the resolve of regional based organizations and communities to defend their collective territories through increased knowledge of available legal tools and precedents, including ILO Convention No. 169 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Maya Leaders Alliance

$4,000 to support a Supreme Court lawsuit that seeks to force the government to comply with its commitment to abstain from carrying out activities that might affect the value and use of Maya lands in the rainforests of southern Belize without informed consent and the development of a mechanism through which communities can apply to have their lands demarcated. Also supported a mobilization of over 200 community members to attend the trial and speak with national media.

Grupo de Trabajo ‘Racimos de Ungurahui’

$3,000 in support for representatives from Racimos and the Indigenous Achuar federations FECONACO, AIM and ATI, to travel to Calgary and Los Angeles to engage directly with officials of Talisman Energy and Occidental Petroleum at their annual shareholder meetings regarding current and past oil concession on Achuar territory.

Amazon Jam

$2,500 in support for a 5 day Amazon Jam in Brazil bringing together over 30 young leaders, activists, supporters, and journalists, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous to rally and unite people against oil and soy development in the Amazon.

Comision Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz

$3,000 to support work on behalf of Emberá communities living in the lower Atrato, Colombia, an area rich in minerals and expanding palm oil plantations, by a legal case in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and pressuring the government to enforce its denouncement of paramilitary violence and the illegal expansion of plantations onto community land without consent.


$3,000 to support Amo Amazonia, a week of artistic and cultural events to bring the color and life of the Amazon to the streets of Lima and the hearts of the Peruvian people to help educate the general public and shift attitudes in the wake of the recent blockades and conflict between the government and Indigenous peoples defending their rights and land.

Oilwatch Ecuador

$4,500 in support for a creative campaign backed by the Ecuadorian government that would keep crude oil in the subsoil permanently in YasunĚ_ National Park in the Amazon, halting the planned ITT oil project, in exchange for international financial support.