Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group

$5,000 to support River Run 2016, a week of action against logging and mercury contamination on Grassy Narrows territory, including highlighting opposition to Ontario’s proposed 10-year Forest Management Plan, which again calls for clear cutting forests on Grassy Narrows territory without consent.

Alianza Ceibo

$5,000 to support trainings to develop community legal advocates and monitors from the Waorani, Secoya, Siona and Cofan nationalities in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon, as well as post-training activities to document and map threats, file petitions, utilize conflict resolution mechanisms and provide on-the-ground legal accompaniment.

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku (Tayjasaruta)

$2,300 to support the Kichwa community of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon holding an emergency assembly to address violations of its territorial rights by oil interests that have been attempting to get small settlements within the Sarayaku collective to negotiate oil deals. The emergency assembly will provide an opportunity to inform people about what is going on, pass resolutions and agree on next steps regarding territorial defense.

Jambi Network of Peatland Communities

$5,750 to support ongoing work strengthening community capacity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to protect peatland ecosystems from the expansion of pulp and paper and palm oil plantations through participatory mapping of community claims and forest cover status to determine how that intersects with where current concessions are located and which companies have the licenses.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support the demarcation and monitoring of the Sawré Muybu territory of the Munduruku people, the last large un-demarcated swath of Munduruku territory in the Tapajós Basin, a jewel of the Amazon and home to an incredible array of plant and animal biodiversity that is threatened by Brazil’s plans to build 3 major dams.

Associação Sociocultural Yawanawa (ASCY)

$5,000 to support building a new ceremonial healing center both as part of a flood recovery process and to strengthen and promote traditional knowledge and health systems in an intergenerational way as the Yawanawa continue to protect nearly 500,000 acres of rainforest in their legally recognized traditional territory in the Brazilian Amazon.

Land is Life (on behalf of Waorani Nationality of Ecuador – NAWE)

$2,500 to support the participation of an Indigenous Waorani woman, Weya Alicia Cahuiya, to attend the 14th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) to meet with allies and government officials and raise awareness on the environmental damages and the violence generated in her region in the Ecuadorian Amazon from oil companies and government agencies pushing to expand oil exploration.

Peruvian Federation of Achuar Nationalities (FENAP)

$5,000 to support an advocacy delegation to Iquitos, Peru of elected leaders, elders, youth and women representing the Achuar people of Peru’s Pastaza river basin to request that the Peruvian state annul the Block 64 oil concession for having been created in violation of the Achuar people’s right to prior consultation and to submit paperwork for land title recognition for the entire Achuar ancestral territory, which would help secure the long-term rainforest protection.

Riau Network of Peat Communities

$5,000 to support the process to strengthen the capacity of 9 villages in Siak district in Riau, Indonesia, to engage in conflict resolution with Asia Pulp and Paper and promote policies supporting community rights and protection of peatlands.