Ardoch Algonquin First Nation

$5,000 to support the efforts of Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, an Aninshinaabe community of about 700 in southeast Ontario, that has established a blockade to prevent Frontenac from developing an open-pit uranium mine on their traditional land.

Niska Traditional Memorial Gathering Committee

$1,000 in support for a 5 day festival in Moose Factory, Ontario to showcase and celebrate the Omushkego Cree culture and honor the youth and the geese which bring the community sustenance and life, with workshops addressing concerns over land, water and global warming.

Associação Floresta Protegida

$3,000 in support for the participation of Kayapo community members at the meeting/protest in Altamira, Brazil against the Belo Monte Dam planned for the Xingu River, which would be the world’s 3rd largest.

Save America’s Forests (on behalf of the Waorani)

$2,500 to support Save America’s Forests and Land is Life’s work with the Waorani to curb illegal logging by signing 6 month contracts with leaders to not allow logging on their territory in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon as a temporary measure while the government is working with community leaders to develop a permanent long-term agreement that will take over these payments as part of the plan.

Defense and Ecological Conservation of Intag

$3,000 to help DECOIN build on the already strong community-level opposition to mining company Ascendant Copper, as well as support continued citizen patrols of at risk areas and the establishment of additional community watersheds in the biologically diverse Intag region of northwest Ecuador.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (on behalf of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug)

$5,000 in support of KI, a fly-in community of approximately 900 people located 400km from the nearest road in the Canadian Boreal, in its legal efforts to defend its treaty rights against a $10 billion lawsuit filled by Platinex and to mount a constitutional challenge to so-called ‘free entry’ mining and the Ontario Mining Act.

Friends of Grassy Narrows

$3,000 to support two public educational events featuring spokespeople from the Pimicikamak Cree community of Cross Lake and from a community of the James Bay Cree on expected environmental and social impacts of major proposed hydro developments for northern Manitoba (including in roadless areas of the Boreal).

Amazon Defense Front

$5,000 to support the sixth bi-annual congress of the coalition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous inhabitants of the Ecuadorian Amazon, to elect new leaders, review plans and projects (especially around the ChevronTexaco lawsuit and judicial inspections), and to allow base communities to report on their monitoring of Petroecuador, Oxy and Encana facilities and pipelines.

The Borneo Project (on behalf of 3 Indigenous communities)

$5,000 for 3 new community-based initiatives to protect primary forest at the headwaters of 3 rivers in Malaysian Borneo, with activities including participatory planning, proposal development, watershed mapping training, negotiation and demarcation of 3,000+ acres towardsĺĘcustomary rights for the communities and forest protection.

Land is Life

$2,000 to support two members of the Zapara community from the Ecuadorian Amazon to travel to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and a training preceding the Forum to build capacity for representatives from over 20 Indigenous communities around the world to strengthen their ability to participate in the meeting and other international gatherings effectively.