Marea Creciente México

$2,000 to support the Climate Caravan team organizing climate dialogues, public events and workshops, and supporting direct actions coordinated by frontline communities and grassroots organizations that are fighting for climate justice as they travel through Mexico, Central and South America, with a final destination of the COP20 UN climate summit in Lima, Peru.

RReNEW Collective

$1,500 to support RReNEW Collective and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, based in Appalachia, VA, in their campaign to hold accountable billionaire mountaintop removal mine operator Jim Justice for a long list of safety, environmental and financial transgressions and ultimately to secure a commitment from his subsidiary companies to abandon surface mining all together.

Keepers of the Athabasca

$1,500 to support the Tar Sands Healing Walk, an event with participation from more than 500 individuals from tar sands impacted communities and their supporters and allies hosted in Fort McMurray, Alberta, where major tar sands expansion is causing irreversible damage to both the environment and human health.

Oro Community Environment Action Network (OCEAN)

$5,000 to support the travel of litigation and campaign teams to meet with communities in Collingwood Bay, Papua New Guinea to seek their input regarding efforts to secure the cancellation of palm oil plantation leases.

The Alliance for Appalachia

$2,000 to support Appalachia leaders hosting an interagency meeting with Obama Administration officials and a corresponding day of action in Washington DC to push for a timeline over the next two years to meet previous commitments related to reducing environmental and health impacts caused by mining practices and also timed to coincide with four critical water-related rule-makings that, if robust, would effectively ban mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia.

Link-AR Borneo

$4,000 to support training members of 30 villages in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of APP and APRIL’s forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building, mapping of tenure conflicts and the establishment of a conflict resolution roadmap.

Oro Community Environmental Action Network (OCEAN)

$5,000 to support travel and other costs for two community representatives of Collingwood Bay in Papua New Guinea’s Oro Province to attend the annual Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil meeting in Malaysia to support their RSPO complaint and meet with Malaysian Company Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) and its financiers to call for the withdrawal of plans to develop palm oil plantations.

Women Movement for Sustainable Development – Liberia (WOMSUD)

$1,500 to support mobilization efforts together with newly formed women-led community based organizations in Grand Cape Mount and Bomi Counties in northwestern Liberia to limit the expansion of palm oil plantations onto community land and forest areas associated with a 750,000 acre concession granted to Malaysia company Sime Darby and to document livelihood activities that women are engaged in within their communities as part of a conflict resolution process.