Japan NGO Network on Indonesia (JANNI)

$2,000 to support a community mapping project being conducted, with support from JANNI, by Dayak communities in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which have faced increasing deforestation resulting from large-scale logging and the rapid advancement of palm oil plantations.

Scale Up – Sustainable Social Development Partnership

$7,000 to support a conflict resolution and negotiation training for 25 United Farmers of Jambi leaders, a mediation process between an Indigenous community and a pulp and paper operation impacting their land, and the compiling of baseline data to prepare for conflict resolution training and support with communities in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia that live near deep peatland ecosystems.

Yayasan Wahana Bumi Hijau (WBH)

$7,500 to support pulp and paper related community engagement, including participatory mapping, monitoring and advocacy work and conflict resolution between several villages and Asia Pulp and Paper and Marubeni Corporation in the district of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) which covers nearly 4.7 million acres of riverine terrain in the east of the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia.

WALHI Kalimantan Barat

$6,000 to support efforts to address the threat of industrial monoculture plantations in West Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo through sharing recently compiled baseline data to be used for planning future campaign activities, including through an advocacy workshop with participation from approximately 40 people representing civil society and impacted communities.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support transportation and partition of Munduruku community from the Tapajós Basin in the Brazilian Amazon, currently fighting to stop 3 planned mega-dams that would impact their territory, to participate in the National Indigenous Mobilization, a week-long protest at the Brazilian Congress in response to a proposed law that would amend the constitution to eliminate Indigenous rights in favor of industry.


$2,000 to support a project in Sarolangun District, Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, working to promote Indigenous land rights through a multi-stakeholder workshop documenting the advantages of Indigenous management systems that, unlike the plantations and gold mining that are threatening the region, provide income supporting the local economy while protecting forests and the watershed.

Jambi Network of Peat Communities

$5,000 to support strengthening community capacity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to protect peatland ecosystems from the expansion of pulp and paper and palm oil plantations through participatory mapping of community claims and forest cover status to determine how that intersects with where current concessions are located and which companies have the licenses, as well as developing trusted relationships with community leaders, raising awareness generally regarding legal rights and the impacts of plantations, and formulating plans of action towards a process of achieving negotiated resolutions.

Yayasan Citra Mandiri Mentawai

$2,500 to support organizing a series of workshops in villages throughout the Mentawai Islands off the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia with the aim of building awareness of the negative impacts of palm oil and promoting with the District government office green and community based economic options, such as agroforestry methods based on local knowledge. In addition to the importance of local people’s rights to land, local customs, culture and food security that would be supported by these efforts, the Mentawai Islands have particular ecological importance because they have been separated from the mainland for more than half a million years and the long geographic isolation has resulted in numerous endemic mammal species, including four primates.

Foundation for Uganda Women Development

$1,500 to support expanding an existing successful agroforestry and tree planting project in Uganda through establishing two additional tree nurseries supported by rainwater harvesting tanks, which will seed one additional model farm where methods such as alley cropping, live fencing, woodlots and beekeeping will be demonstrated for, and maintained by, project participants.

Link-AR Borneo

$3,000 to support a project in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, working with villages and training a grassroots team to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of Asia Pulp and Paper’s Forest Conservation Policy commitments and gather evidence to be used to hold the company accountable.