Frontline Communities: Where Small Grants Have a Huge Impact

Indigenous and frontline communities are the best stewards of the world’s rainforests and the best organizers against climate change. History... Learn More

Stories from the Frontlines

Explore Our Community Action Grants

7 Directions of Service

$8,200 to support a 10-person Gulf South delegation traveling to North Carolina to join the Indigenous-led Water Walk series of events along the proposed route of the Southgate extension of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which has already been reduced to less than half its planned length due to local resistance. The delegation from the Gulf […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku

$10,000 to support Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku’s 7 person delegation attending Climate Week in New York City to share lessons learned and engage people through events and dialogues around next steps to secure long term protection for the Upper Amazon through Indigenous-led solutions. Sarayaku’s successful efforts to stop oil activities in their traditional territory […]

Pomo Land Back

$10,000 to support collecting oral histories and writing reports documenting the cultural landscape in the forested mountains of Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF), a 48,000 acre state owned forest in the ancestral territory of the Pomo Tribe in California. Travel to the field to demarcate these areas, original oral history research, and compiling extant botanical […]

Conservación Alto Amazonas

$12,500 to support 3 Yurua communities within the 10 million acre Alto Purús Landscape, one of the largest intact ecosystems in the upper Amazon in Southeast Peru, that are threatened by a new, illegal road which could open previously inaccessible forests with potentially devastating impacts on the ecosystems and the people who depend on them […]

Digital Democracy

$20,000 to contribute to travel costs for 40 Indigenous participants from 14 countries & 4 continents traveling to the Ecuadorian Amazon to attend a gathering of members of the Earth Defenders Toolkit network to be in community with one another, share strategies, learn from each other’s struggles, and build collective power to protect their territories […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku, Resguardo Siona de Buenavista, Federación de la Nacionalidad Achuar del Perú (FENAP), and Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampís (GTANW)

$6,000 to support a delegation from Sarayaku of Ecuador, the Siona of Buenavista in Colombia, the Achuar of Peru, and the Wampis Nation of Peru, all Indigenous communities that have been impacted by and are resisting the extraction of fossil fuels on their traditional territories in the Amazon, to attend a hearing in Santiago, Chile […]

Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR)

$10,000 to support a weekend of structured training for 70+ new and long-serving organizers and frontline community members mobilizing to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which threatens the land, air, and water of communities along its entire 300-mile route in Appalachia, including crossing over nearly 1,000 streams and wetlands. The training was followed by a […]


$7,500 to support the Climate Justice Community School series of programs that provide BIPOC youth and communities access to environmental justice education, mentorship, and the ability to build up and out their organizing skills. The Earth Month Convergence featured more than 20 speakers and trainers, as well as hundreds of participants, including young BIPOC environmental […]

Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari (YEL)

$20,000 to support long-term conservation of the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve in the Leuser Ecosystem of Sumatra, Indonesia, and its critically important orangutan population through preparing a comprehensive database of orangutan habitat, distribution, density, abundance, and habitat threats and developing and operationalizing the data to establish 2 new monitoring stations in strategic locations that will […]

Mujeres Amazónicas (Women Defenders of the Amazon)

$20,000 to support Mujeres Amazónicas for several Indigenous women-led events and mobilizations in the Ecuadorian Amazon city of Puyo organized around International Women’s Day and highlighting Indigenous women’s leadership in the resistance to extractive industries on Indigenous territories. Additionally grant funds are supporting the Mujeres Amazónicas managed emergency health fund, which is continuing to provide […]

Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas

$10,000 to support Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas’ Bridges to the Ancestors youth-led run/walk, a 10-day journey across west Texas and down to Rio Grande Valley, including hosting town hall meetings at frontline community stops along the route, to further raise awareness about LNG’s impacts and build alliances. The Rio Grande Valley LNG and Texas […]

Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement

$25,000 to contribute to supporting participation of more than 100 Black and Indigenous participants from across the Americas attending a weeklong Anti-Mining Camp in the Kichwa community of Serena in Napo in the Ecuadorian Amazon. To combat extractivism, the Anti-Mining Camp is providing an opportunity for the Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement network to embark […]

Organización Waorani de Pastaza (OWAP)

$5,000 to support Indigenous leader from Ecuador, Nemonte Nenquimo, the co-founder of the Indigenous organization Ceibo Alliance and the first woman leader of the Waorani people to attend Climate Week in New York City to share lessons learned and engage people through events and dialogues around next steps to secure long term protection for the […]


$10,000 to support national level organizing and media campaigns as part of the successful Ecuadorian referendum on whether to keep the country’s largest oil fields, the “Ishpingo – Tiputini – Tambococha” (ITT), known as block 43, permanently in the ground. Block 43 covers the northeast part of Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon, among […]

Fundación Alianza Ceibo

$15,000 to support an Indigenous-led Women’s Leadership School that is promoting a new model for economic, environmental, and cultural resilience led by women in some of the Indigenous societies hit hardest by oil extraction, mining, and agriculture in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The school is designed to bring women together to foster empowerment and livelihood opportunities […]

Organización Waorani de Pastaza (OWAP) and Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE)

$5,000 to support two inspiring Indigenous leaders from Ecuador, Nemonte Nenquimo, the co-founder of the Indigenous organization Ceibo Alliance and the first woman leader of the Waorani people, and Leonidas Iza Salazar, who was elected last June as the new president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), towards the transportation, accommodation, and […]

Yayasan PUSAKA

$5,000 to support Papua-based organizations planning and hosting side events for the Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) Congress, which happens every 5 years and was held in 2022 in Papua, Indonesia. Activities included a workshop for the broader AMAN network focusing on the particular circumstances the Indigenous land rights movement is facing in […]

Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Sosial Masyarakat Riau (LPESM Riau)

$10,000 to support a weeklong delegation of Indigenous and traditional community representatives from Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua, Indonesia, along with NGO partners supporting their land rights cases, to participate and intervene in the Forest Stewardship Council General Assembly regarding the FSC certification system’s current impact on communities in Indonesia. Through participation in the 10-person delegation, […]

Rumoh Transparansi

$5,000 to support submitting results from a participatory mapping process for Bunin Village to keep protected from a palm oil plantation nearly 7,000 acres of community-held lands and lowland rainforest in an area known as an important habitat for critically endangered Sumatran elephants in the Leuser Ecosystem in Sumatra, Indonesia.

Repórter Brasil

$10,000 to support a multimedia investigation to tell the story of what happened to Brazilian Indigenous rights advocate Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips who were brutally murdered in June 2022, as well as highlight the stories of the Indigenous communities within the Javari Valley that are fighting for their way of life and […]

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Daerah Jambi (WALHI Jambi)

$7,000 to support the ongoing conflict resolution process for Lubuk Mandarsah Village, located in Jambi province on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, which has lost 3,700 acres of previously community-managed lands to an Asia Pulp & Paper owned plantation that has also cleared natural forest and peatlands. WALHI Jambi and partner organizations are working to […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku

$10,000 to support Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku’s governing body and plan, including monitoring ongoing compliance of legal victories and holding several planning assemblies on their territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon. A key gathering that this grant contributed towards is the First Summit of Knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples (Kawsari I) held on Sarayaku territory […]

Students for a Free Tibet

$7,500 to support the Tibet Climate Crisis campaign, including a conference and week-long direct action camp in India, as well as SFT bringing a delegation of Tibetan youth to the COP27 climate negotiations in Egypt. These activities are preparing young people to take action, offering training for trainer tracks for Tibetan youth to become direct […]

Keepers of the Water Council

$8,000 to support efforts to strengthen Indigenous community-based monitoring strategies through direct outreach to Indigenous communities impacted by coal and tar sands across Alberta, Canada, as well as through several smaller community meetings and a larger gathering for 50 Indigenous participants. Keepers of the Water gatherings are vital to ensure that Indigenous communities are supported […]

Fossil Free Media

$7,500 to support a frontline delegation from the Appalachia region to Washington, D.C. for a People vs. Fossil Fuels rally outside the Capitol to demand that U.S. Senators and Representatives stop Senator Manchin’s proposed dirty infrastructure bill that would fast-track fossil fuel projects, including the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline, and undercut basic environmental protections. […]

Earth Guardians

$10,000 to support Earth Guardians’ Indigenous Youth Initiative, which is led by Indigenous youth on the frontlines of climate and social justice movements, including the fossil fuel fights, across the U.S. and Canada. Funds supported travel and participation costs for the weeklong Indigenous Youth Leadership Training.

West Virginia Rising

$5,000 to support a mass mobilization and communications effort to spotlight Senator Manchin’s role in profiting off of dirty fossil fuels while blocking clean energy and just transition efforts in Congress that are critically needed. The mobilization took place at a coal plant that burns 500,000 tons of coal waste per year with Senator Manchin’s […]

Defund Climate Chaos Street Art Project

$10,000 to support the Street Art Project to Defund Climate Chaos, a joint initiative of Indigenous, climate justice and low-wage workers movements, along with prominent art collectives (including BIPOC artists), organizing #DefundClimateChaos art actions in support of climate justice campaigns and movement building, building skills for ongoing actions, and helping to tell the stories of […]

The FANG Collective

$5,000 to support a campaign and community organizing to shut down an existing fossil fuel power plant in the rural working-class town of Burrillville, Rhode Island through a Just Transition framework. The project is also seeking the return of 365 acres of land held by the plant owner in and around Burrillville to the Nipmuc […]

Fundación Hakhu Amazonía

$5,000 to support Indigenous-led campaign, communications and legal efforts seeking the cancellation of mining concessions in the Napo region of the Ecuadorian Amazon where thousands of individuals are engaged in illegal mining. Legal efforts resulted in the temporary suspensions of mining rights and a commitment from the government to address environmental damages caused to date […]

Federación de la Nacionalidad Achuar del Perú (FENAP)

$5,000 to support the Achuar Indigenous community-led efforts clearing and expanding a network of strategic footpaths used to patrol and monitor critical areas of their 2 million acres of roadless territory in the Peruvian Amazon in and around the Block 64 area where oil drilling that they are opposed to would happen, as well as […]

Comunidad Kofán de Sinangoe

$5,000 to support 2 assemblies of Indigenous nations in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This first to host members of the Kofán, Kichwa, Waorani, Siekopai, Shuar, and Siona nations to share experiences and lessons in their fights against resource extraction on their territories and the second for the community of Sinangoe to plan community priorities and strategies […]

Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB)

$10,000 to support 2 major Indigenous mobilizations in April and June to Brasilia with several thousand participants coming from the Amazon and all parts of Brazil to counter efforts by the Bolsonaro government to legalize mining and other industrial activities on Indigenous lands (via Bill 191/2020), as well as spotlighting a Supreme Court case that could also undermine Indigenous land […]

Fundación Alianza Ceibo

$15,000 to support production of Indigenous-made media, including of a series of radio episodes to be aired across the major Amazonian Indigenous radio stations in Ecuador that will shed light on the context and community-led processes that have resulted in several landmark legal wins advancing the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and […]

Fundación Alianza Ceibo in collaboration with Cabildo Siona de Buenavista

$12,500 to support a Siona community in the Colombian Amazon to defend their rights and fortify their community land patrols to defend their territory against illegal incursions by extractive interests and armed actors. Supported activities include: ongoing activities by the Indigenous Guard program, including land patrols and training for young rangers; skill and information sharing […]

Organización Waorani de Pastaza (OWAP)

$25,000 to support strengthening core organizational capacity of Organización Waorani de Pastaza as well as using the Waorani’s legal precedent against the Ecuadorian government’s proposed auction of their ancestral territory to the international oil industry to defend 7 million additional acres of rainforest threatened by oil auction. The project is supporting efforts to: strengthen leadership […]

Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE) and Mujeres Amazónicas (Women Defenders of the Amazon)

$10,000 to support both CONFENIAE and Mujeres Amazónicas for several Indigenous women-led events and mobilizations organized around International Women’s Day. Funds supported the Amazonian Women’s Congress bringing together 500 women leaders from the 11 Indigenous Nations in the Ecuadorian Amazon and the launch event for the Casa de Mujeres Amazónicas, a new community center serving […]

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$11,000 to support work with 23 Indigenous Tano Batak communities in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari – a notorious company which stole their land. The communities are being supported with mobilizations, networking and advocacy work, field visits, documentation, and facilitated communications and processes with government agencies, as […]

Associação Xavante Warã

$5,000 to support Xavante communities impacted by agribusiness and proposed major transportation routes that would cut through their territory in the Cerrado, a tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil, to fortify their cultural revitalization and community health initiatives. This women and youth led project is supporting community gardens in 4 communities on the Sangradouro Xavante territory, […]

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$2,500 to support a delegation of 40 Indigenous Tano Batak community members from the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, to Jakarta to carry out sustained mobilizations to directly pressure government officials as part of their ongoing efforts to secure land rights after decades of being impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari – a notorious […]

Asociación de Guardia Kichwa Yuturi Warmi

$9,000 to support an Indigenous delegation from the Kichwa community of Serena in the Ecuadorian Amazon to participate in the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland, as part of a larger delegation being organized by the Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement, including leading sessions at the Minga Indígena and at the alternative World Summit of […]

Fundacion Alianza Ceibo

$20,000 to support production of a series of radio episodes that will be aired across the major Amazonian Indigenous radio stations in Ecuador that will shed light on the context and community-led processes that have resulted in several landmark legal wins advancing the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and territorial defense in […]

CONCONAWEP Federacion Waorani

$40,000 to support using the Waorani’s legal precedent against the Ecuadorian government’s proposed auction of their ancestral territory to the international oil industry to defend 7 million additional acres of rainforest threatened by oil auction. The project is also supporting efforts to: strengthen women’s leadership through capacity building and real-world experience in implementation of projects […]

Organizacion Nacional de los Pueblos Indigenas de la Amazoni Colombiana (OPIAC)

$5,000 to support COICA (The Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin) and OPIAC (the National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon) co-hosting the first annual Women’s Summit in Colombia with 130 Indigenous women participants from across the Amazon basin and including panels, workshops and other exchanges sharing experiences focused on […]

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$10,000 to support work with 6 Indigenous Tano Bata communities in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari – a notorious company which stole their land. The communities, including the Pargamanan Bintang Maria-Parlilitan community, are being supported with documentation, including mapping and aerial photos of forest cover in their […]


$5,000 to support a 10-day storytelling/filmmaking workshop for women and youth in the community of San José de Piatua, a Kichwa community in the Ecuadorian Amazon engaged in a successful anti-mining struggle. The workshop is run by TinkasTawna, an Indigenous-run communications school based in Ecuador that seeks to not only train Indigenous youth in audiovisual […]

Standing Rock Youth Runners

$5,000 to support Standing Rock Youth Runners long-distance prayer run from North Dakota to Minnesota in solidarity with Indigenous resistance to the Line 3 pipeline. The team of 21 Indigenous youth and supporters ran in a relay a total of 680 miles collectively over 11 days stopping at several Indigenous Line 3 camps. The goal […]

Earth Guardians

$10,000 to support Earth Guardians’ Indigenous Youth Initiative, which is led by Indigenous youth on the frontlines of climate and social justice movements, including the fossil fuel fights, across the U.S. and Canada.

Pueblo Shuar Arutam

$5,000 to support relaunching Pueblo Shuar Arutam’s School of Communications, including securing equipment and holding a series of 6 2-day workshops to be held at each of the PSHA community associations across almost 600,000 acres of Shuar territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon with participation from at least 1 representative of all 47 communities and with […]

Asociación de Mujeres Sapara del Ecuador ‘Ashinwaka’

$5,000 to support 3 Sapara communities in establishing traditional medicinal garden plots and sharing knowledge regarding use of medicinal plants, with a special focus on the techniques that have been used in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19. Training participants and teachers from each of the communities’ education centers will continue the process of sharing […]

Nación Sapara del Ecuador (NASE)

$5,000 to support installing solar and shortwave radio communications systems in 2 Sapara communities in their territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon covering an area of over 500,000 acres of intact roadless rainforest that has been defended from being opened up to oil development. The first phase of the project was initiated in 2020 to help […]

Amazon Emergency Fund / Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)

$50,000 to support efforts led by Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) to support emergency Covid-19 response for Indigenous communities and organizations as a new Covid strain is spreading rapidly across Amazonas state in the Brazilian Amazon. Funds will go towards urgent and immediate prevention and care; food and medical supplies […]

Roots & Routes IC

$5,000 to support a unique audio-visual collaboration between ancestral communities in the western Coastal Chocó rainforest and the Amazon, including trainings for youth in documentary storytelling and production of a 50 minute documentary about the Indigenous Awá community of Guádualito and the Afro-descendant community of La Chiquita that live in and around the last remaining […]

Keepers of the Water Council

$7,500 to support the Water and Medicine Gathering to ensure that ongoing communication is occurring and supported in Indigenous communities in Alberta about fossil fuel extraction, water, traditional knowledge and how to move forward to address these interconnected issues, as well as providing an opportunity for additional ceremonial and cultural sharing and teaching.

MN350 / Treaty People Gathering

$25,000 to support Treaty People Gathering, organized by a broad coalition of dozens of Community Based Organizations and NGO partners joining together to support a call to action from Indigenous frontline leaders for a major mobilization to pressure political leaders to do the right thing, as happened with the Biden Administration canceling the Keystone XL […]

Native Organizers Alliance

$5,000 to support the Red Road to DC project, a Native-led strategy, including a cross-country tour connecting twenty of the most vital Native-led struggles where sacred lands, waters, and species are endangered by extractive industries. Ceremonial welcomes, live-streamed and outdoor events, and evocative media production helped to strengthen grassroots organizing and build support for the […]

Eastern Woodland Association

$5,000 to support a Native-led power building and organizing push to further build the coalition of landowners, activists, organizations, and protectors in opposition to construction of the Southgate extension project of the Mountain Valley Pipeline that would negatively impact ecosystems, including threatening hundreds of streams and wetlands, and communities in its path from southern Virginia […]

Gitchigumi Scouts

$7,500 to support a grassroots, frontlines effort led by Indigenous women to protect Native territory from the destruction and extraction associated with Calgary-based energy giant Enbridge’s 1,000-mile Line 3 tar sands pipeline project through community patrols related to fossil fuel infrastructures and monitoring the impacts of extractive industries on Native communities, particularly on Indigenous women.

Giniw Collective

$7,500 to support a grassroots, frontlines effort led by Indigenous women to protect Native territory from the destruction and extraction associated with Calgary-based energy giant Enbridge’s 1,000-mile Line 3 tar sands pipeline project through trainings, community outreach and education, mobilizations and relationship building within the broader movement.

Power Shift Network

$2,500 to support work with Indigenous, frontline and youth partners that are leading the work to stop the Line 3 pipeline, which if completed would commit our economy to years of future dependence on fossil fuels. Included in this project is production of a short video and other content about the Youth Climate Intervenors, a […]

Giniw Collective

$5,000 to support the Indigenous Media Makers #Stop Line 3 project, which is providing funds to purchase, transport, and distribute fully prepped media gear kits, as well as to provide software access and training to several different Indigenous frontline organizations to support media and storytelling work regarding their urgent efforts resisting the Line 3 pipeline.

Tiny House Warriors

$7,500 to support the Indigenous-led Tiny House Warriors project to stop the Trans Mountain pipeline, which would ship more than 890,000 barrels per year of highly-polluting tar sands crude oil to the coast of British Columbia, from crossing unceded Secwepemc Territory through building ten tiny houses along the 518 km Trans Mountain pipeline route to […]

UK Tar Sands Network

$1,000 to support UK Tar Sands Network’s work in solidarity with frontline communities from the Alberta tar sands to the Gulf Coast resisting fossil fuel extraction. The network engages in and supports creative solidarity mobilizations in the UK and Europe and provides communications support and helps cultivate international media contacts regarding stories connecting Indigenous struggles […]

350 New Hampshire

$2,500 to support a local and regional campaign to shut down the Merrimack Generating Station, the last major coal-fired power plant in New England without a shutdown date. This plant has been polluting the air and water and making the people of Bow, New Hampshire sick for decades and shutting it down would mitigate millions […]

Earth Guardians

$7,500 to support the Indigenous Youth Leadership Training, a virtual training that is bringing together 40+ North American Indigenous youth leaders, many from communities engaged in frontline fossil fuel campaigns, to learn from Indigenous mentors and experts in the fields of digital media/storytelling, food sovereignty, political sovereignty, outdoor survival skills, decolonized community care, and campaign […]

CONCONAWEP Federacion Waorani, Comunidad Kofán de Sinangoe, Resguardo Indígena Siona de Buenavista, and Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad-IIDS

$27,500 to support the launch of a global campaign to raise visibility and resources for Indigenous women across the Amazon fighting threats to their peoples’ lands, from oil extraction to mining, illegal logging and agriculture. This new Women Defenders initiative is being launched by Waorani leader Nemonte Nenquimo together with several other Indigenous women leaders […]

Asociación de Raíces Indígenas Amazónicas Peruanas (ARIAP)

$5,000 to support the Axenon Ikanwe Radio Program, produced by and for Shipibo-Konibo people both as a strategy for maintaining and strengthening a sense of community that is critical in generating greater levels of activism which have been key for protecting their lands in the Peruvian Amazon from deforestation for the expansion of palm oil […]

Upper Amazon Conservancy

$6,500 to support Yurua communities within the 10 million acre Alto Purús Landscape, one of the largest intact ecosystems in the upper Amazon is Southeast Peru, through providing accurate information on potential impacts of a major road construction project, while also working to ensure that the government complies with all relevant laws related to Indigenous […]

Fundacion Kara Solar

$6,000 to support installing solar and shortwave radio communications systems in 5 Shiwiar communities in their territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon located near the border with Peru, covering an area of over 500,000 acres of intact roadless rainforest that has been defended by Shiwiar from being opened up to oil development. The project was initiated […]

Fundo Socioambiental CASA

$100,000 to provide long-term support to Indigenous Peoples mobilizing to save their territories, including in response multiple ongoing threats, including Covid-19, increased fires and, in Brazil, the ongoing threat tied to Brazil’s Bolsonaro government slashing environmental protections, human rights standards, and the rule of law to benefit the very actors destroying the rainforest. CASA provided […]

Amazon Emergency Fund

$50,000 to support the Amazon Emergency Fund, a newly-formed donor collaborative working in close coordination with COICA (Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Basin) and its 9 national Indigenous organizations, as well as partners and allies across the Amazon and around the world, to support emergency COVID-19 response for Indigenous and forest communities […]

Nuevo Ponderosa and Nueva Alianza Shawi Villages

$2,000 to support a project coordinating efforts between Shawi villages in the Peruvian Amazon and regional health officials to train 4 Shawi youth leaders and to establish 2 Community First Aid Health centers in communities vulnerable due to the presence of outsiders around their territory, incorporating traditional and western medical supplies and providing education and […]

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$5,000 to support work with Indigenous Tano Batak families in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari, a US$600 million pulp company, through local organizing and facilitated discussions to raise awareness regarding collective community rights to customary forests as well as using drones to have complete documentation, videos and […]

Ceibo Alliance

$20,000 to support Indigenous storytellers with the tools, platforms and support they need to share their stories and ideas with the world. This initiative was launched in response to the 2019 fires across the Amazon region and with the current threat posed to Indigenous communities by the potential spread of COVID-19, efforts to elevate Indigenous […]

Amazon Frontlines in collaboration with Ceibo Alliance and Organización Regional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente (ORPIO)

$20,000 to support a concerted push towards securing land title for three key communities in Peru—an area over 500,000 acres of rainforest—through this process the Siekopai can realize a bi-national biological, social and cultural corridor for their people of over 1.4 million acres and knock down barriers to land titling for dozens of other Indigenous […]

CONCONAWEP Federacion Waorani

$25,000 to support using the Waorani’s legal precedent against the Ecuadorian government’s proposed auction of their ancestral territory to the international oil industry to defend 7 million additional acres of rainforest threatened by oil auction. This project is also supporting efforts to strengthen women’s leadership through capacity building and real world experience in implementation of […]

Amazon Frontlines

$30,000 to support efforts with Indigenous partners in the Ecuadorian Amazon to slow the spread of coronavirus in the region through immediate action in two phases: prevention through communications in Indigenous languages and the creation of an emergency response fund. With devastating fires that raged across the Amazon in 2019 and governments that actively push […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku

$10,000 to provide emergency aid to support Kichwa Indigenous peoples of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon after extreme flooding of the Bobonaza river on their territory has caused hundreds of families to lose their homes and also severely damaged their crops. This is the worst flooding seen in the region, almost certainly connected to climate […]

Amazon Women Defenders of the Rainforest

$5,000 to support the Amazon Women Defenders of the Rainforest leading a major mobilization to coincide with International Women’s Day, including bringing 100 women from Indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon to the capital city of Quito to meet with and hold accountable government representatives to investigate rights abuses and provide greater protection of Indigenous […]

Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad (IIDS)

$5,000 to support the Indigenous community of Tres Islas in the Peruvian Amazon, which has been involved in a long struggle to protect their territory from invasion, principally by mining concessions authorized by the Peruvian government. This grant would support sending the Tres Islas community president and a legal advisor from IIDS to Haiti to […]

Hakhu Fundacion Amazonia

$5,000 to support Kallary Amazon Labs, a comprehensive Indigenous-led filmmaking retreat and workshop for 18 Indigenous women and youth from the central south of the Ecuadorian Amazon, along with an additional 5 Indigenous participants from Brazil and Mexico, to share their individual experiences with trauma and resistance, heal collectively and use their inspiration to create […]

Ceibo Alliance

$10,000 to support an Indigenous-led coalition of the Kofán, Siona, Secoya and Waorani peoples from the northern Ecuadorian Amazon holding a strategic planning retreat to uphold recent victories, including protecting 500,000 acres of Waorani rainforest land from oil drilling, and seeking to build Indigenous power and capacity and to strengthen the global alliances necessary to […]

Indigenous Environmental Network

$10,000 to support Indigenous Environment Network’s Emergency Mutual Aid Fund launched in response to COVID-19 to quickly move funds into the hands of community-based Indigenous individuals and organizations from the U.S. and Canada that are experiencing loss of income and financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small grants up to $2,000 are distributed to […]

Appalachians Against Pipelines

$3,000 to support the Appalachian Climate Action Camp, a ten-day direct action training camp with an estimated 150 participants, along with trainers and panelist, coming from throughout Appalachia as an important component of the greater Appalachians Against Pipeline’s goal of stopping the Mountain Valley Pipeline and Atlantic Coast Pipeline – estimates are that the Mountain […]

Unist’ot’en Camp

$5,000 to support efforts to re-establish Indigenous governance over Wet’suwet’en territory and protect it from several proposals to construct oil and gas pipelines, including the 420-mile Coastal GasLink pipeline that would carry fracked gas from northeast British Columbia to LNG Canada, a massive proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal that exemplifies the sector’s climate and […]

Keeper of the Mountains

$7,500 to support work towards healthier, more sustainable mountain communities and ending mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia through education & organizing, actions and land easements inspired Larry Gibson, the late founder and inspirational leader of Keeper of the Mountains, whose family has been able to protect their ancestral home on Kayford Mountain amidst […]

Amazon Watch

$40,000 to support amplifying the voices and solutions of Indigenous peoples in response to the Amazon fires as the best way to prevent the next catastrophe. This grant is supporting 6 Amazon-based organizations for the following: providing emergency aid and supporting Indigenous fire brigades and Indigenous communities marching hundreds of miles to the regional capital […]

Fundo Socioambiental CASA

$50,000 to provide longterm support to Indigenous Peoples mobilizing to save their territories, including in response to the Amazon fires and the ongoing threat tied to Brazil’s Bolsonaro government slashing environmental protections, human rights standards, and the rule of law to benefit the very actors destroying the rainforest. Indigenous communities have fought back on many […]

Yayasan PUSAKA

$4,000 to support the Papuan Indigenous Peoples Action Week, with various dialogues and actions in Jakarta for communities and civil society organizations related to the lack of proper consultation in the permitting process for industrial plantations, which has resulted in deforestation, impacts on food production and livelihoods, and other human rights violations. Support went towards […]

Grassroots Consulting

$4,500 to support travel costs to participate in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) annual meeting and the launching there of an updated report, ‘Who Watches the Watchmen?,’ to continue to publicly pressure the RSPO to enact meaningful change in the palm oil industry towards forest protection and upholding community rights.

Sunrise El Paso

$5,000 to support a Latino/a youth-led community organizing and movement building strategy to resist a potential JP Morgan Chase buyout of the El Paso Electric Company through a private equity fund, which would likely lead to increased fracking, as well as address the overall threats of a privatized electric utility that only permits 3% renewable […]

RISE St. James

$5,000 to support community organizing and a multi-platform media campaign to block construction of a Formosa petrochemical complex in historic St. James parish, LA, which would cause a drastic downgrade in quality of life for a Black community already overburdened by air pollution, while also emitting 13 million tons of greenhouse gases annually, equivalent to […]

Society of Native Nations

$5,000 to support a ‘Pipelines to Plastics’ campaign, including toxic tours and other grassroots activities, opposing ExxonMobil’s planned $10 billion ethane cracker plant near Corpus Christi, Texas, which would export plastic products to the world and produce significant methane emissions, courtesy of fracked gas from West and South Texas.


$2,500 to support a POC and Native-led youth delegation to attend the World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington, D.C. to organize, educate, and advocate for climate justice and pressure the Bank to pass policies in line with the 1.5ºC goal, including measurable commitments to stop the financing of all fossil fuels and fossil fuel related […]

Indigenous Environmental Network

$10,000 to support the Indigenous Just Transition Assembly, including travel support for Indigenous grassroots leaders to attend the regional gathering that will build alignment and provide collaborative opportunities to strategize for Indigenous communities engaged in efforts to stop fossil fuel expansion across North America and to support peer-based learning of Just Transition efforts and frontline […]


$10,000 to support two separate but interrelated actions to build the movement to stop the Line 3 pipeline, which if completed would enable the emission of as many greenhouse gasses as 50 new coal plants. The Gichi-gami Gathering to Stop Line 3 is roughly 1,000 person mass mobilization in Duluth, Minnesota and the Frontline March […]

Dakota Rural Action

$2,500 to support an important Keystone XL pipeline opposition strategy to slow down the ongoing application process through appeals and challenging permits to help change the narrative that the pipeline is inevitable, specifically focusing on challenging state water rights permits in South Dakota, while also continuing to help build the local grassroots opposition to KXL […]

Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3)

$5,000 to support the Skoden Action Camp, gathering 44 Indigenous participants, as well as about 30 Indigenous trainers and staff, representing about 65 Tribes/Bands/Nations and 32 communities from across North America to come together for four days to learn skills, meet one another, and find out how best to collaborate and support collective struggles to […]

Indigenous Environmental Network

$10,000 to support the Indigenous Tar Sands Summit, an Indigenous-led gathering to focus on collective strategies across borders and territories to build the resistance against the tar sand industry and to build relationships between communities at the source of extraction, along the pipeline routes and at the refineries of tar sands. This grant is helping […]

Indigenous Climate Action

$26,950 to support a week-long Indigenous Tar Sands Strategy Summit to be held on Cold Lake First Nation territory in Alberta, Canada. The Summit will be an Indigenous-led and Indigenous only gathering to focus on collective strategies across borders and territories to build the resistance against the tar sand industry and to build relationships between […]

Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas

$3,000 to support ongoing community organizing related to the proposed Rio Grande Valley export terminals led by Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe, which has already been impacted by pollution from fracking flares, disposal wells and other fossil fuel infrastructure and would lose historical and sacred sites of great cultural and archaeological importance if the terminals are built. Part of […]

Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)

$2,250 to support a delegation of frontline Indigenous women leaders to Toronto to speak out to provide critical inputs to the Equator Principles revision process and to demand that there is meaningful and thorough action taken to ensure that member banks exercise due diligence in investments regarding Indigenous and human rights and climate impacts.

Giniw Collective

$5,000 to support logistics for Indigenous women-led trainings, community outreach and education, and relationship building within the broader movement against fossil fuels, as part of growing efforts to oppose Calgary-based energy giant Enbridge’s 1,000-mile Line 3 tar sands pipeline project.

Keepers of the Water Council

$6,000 to support the Keepers of the Water Annual Gathering to ensure that ongoing communication is occurring and supported in Indigenous communities in Alberta about fossil fuel extraction, water, traditional knowledge and how to move forward to address these interconnected issues.

Appalachians Against Pipelines

$4,000 to support efforts to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), a 300-mile-long, 42-inch diameter fracked gas pipeline currently under construction in West Virginia and Virginia that would contribute to annual greenhouse gas emissions of almost 90 million metric tons, but which local opposition has currently delayed by more than a year in various sensitive […]

Climate Justice Alliance

$2,500 to support the Climate Justice Alliance Member Convening, bringing together grassroots and frontline community members to collectively build alignment and relationships, strengthen collective practices, and adapt CJA’s strategic plans to advance climate justice through 2020 and beyond grounded in a holistic, intersectional framework.

Movement Rights

$5,000 to support the Frontline Oil & Gas Action Summit to examine the impacts of the oil & gas industry on the Ponca Nation and communities of Oklahoma, share Indigenous-led strategies of resistance, and build united strategies for taking on the oil & gas industry in Oklahoma and beyond.

Ende Gelände

$2,000 to support the Scaling Our Climate Resistance Tour, with participation by activist from the strong and diverse radical climate justice movement that has been growing in Germany, founded on principles of frontline struggles, mass mobilization, direct action, and cooperation across organizational and tactical differences, which last fall led actions where 6,000 people collectively blocked […]

Unist’ot’en Camp

$5,000 to support efforts to re-establish Indigenous governance over Wet’suwet’en territory and protect it from several proposals to construct oil and gas pipelines, including the 420-mile Coastal GasLink pipeline that would carry fracked gas from northeast British Columbia to LNG Canada, a massive proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal that exemplifies the sector’s climate and […]

Black Belt Citizens Fighting for Health and Justice

$2,500 to support community organizing, developing local leadership, trainings, and partnerships work in Uniontown, Alabama that is seeking to address impacts of 4 million tons of toxic coal ash waste that were transported to a landfill nearby the city, which is home to 90% Black residents, after the largest industrial spill in U.S. history.

Amazon Frontlines

$10,000 to support bringing four Indigenous leaders from the Upper Amazon to the UN Climate Week in New York to raise awareness and support for the growing Indigenous movement to protect the Upper Amazon while forging connections with other Indigenous movements and civil society actors with the goal of strengthening Indigenous Peoples’ position in decision […]

Associação das Mulheres Munduruku Wakoborun

$5,000 to support an assembly led by Munduruku women to strengthen alliances and plan to confront threats to defend collective territories in the Brazilian Amazon that are almost entirely covered with pristine forests despite the constant menace of illegal loggers, wildcat miners and other threats in the form of various concessions, as well as the assault on […]

Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Sociedad (IIDS) supporting Federation of the Achuar Nationality of Peru (FENAP)

$5,000 to support a delegation of Achuar and Wampis Indigenous leaders to pressure GeoPark at its annual shareholders meeting in Santiago, Chile, to cancel their planned oil extraction project on Indigenous territory in the Peruvian Amazon. During the delegation GeoPark announced it is withdrawing its request for the environmental permit to drill for oil in […]

Amazon Watch in partnership with Asociación Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Alternativo (Fundación Aldea) and Comisión Ecuménica de los Derechos Humanos (CEDHU)

$4,000 to support the Tejiendo Territorios: Encuentro de Defensoras de America Latino (Weaving Territories: Summit of Latin American Women Defenders), bringing together diverse frontline Indigenous women to share, learn, and build collective regional strategies for the defense of their territories and their rights within the new context of threats to their lives, lands, and cultures.

Amazon Watch (distributing funds to 5 Ecuador-based Indigenous organizations)

$5,000 to support the Women Defenders of the Amazon Against Extraction, an Ecuadorian Amazon based Indigenous women-led coalition, which has developed a 22-point Mandate detailing Indigenous rights violations primarily related to existing and proposed industrial extractive projects and met with the Ecuadorian President in 2018 securing commitments related to the Mandate. The coalition is commemorating […]

Save Rivers

$4,800 to support several Indigenous villages working together to stop industrial logging that would impact their traditional territories, which cover about 125,000 acres and include some of the last remaining primary forest in Sarawak, Malaysia.

CONCONAWEP Federacion Waorani

$5,000 to support efforts by the Waorani people, who live in the upper headwaters of the Amazon river in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse areas on earth, to secure a moratorium to block future efforts to drill for oil on their ancestral territory covering 2.5 million acres. After months of grassroots organizing and […]

Native Organizers Alliance

$10,000 to support a training for trainers and broader Native-led gathering towards building a multi-faceted South Dakota Tribes and national organizing and capacity building strategy centered on Lakota traditional practices of community building in an effort to prepare grassroots Native and non-Native communities for efforts to stop construction of the KXL pipeline if and when […]

Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services (TEJAS)

$3,000 to support activities related to the Peoples’ Tribunal on Harvey Recovery, an event meant to uplift the first-hand accounts of Hurricane Harvey’s flooding, the impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable populations, and the status of slow, ongoing recovery efforts a year later in the Houston area, which is home to the largest […]

Urban Tilth

$10,000 to support Solidarity to Solutions (Sol2Sol) Week of activities as a counterpoint to the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), explicitly addressing the urgent need to stop new fossil fuel extraction and shift away from a fossil fuel driven economy, as well as the need to center the role of Indigenous peoples and frontline communities […]

Louisiana Rise

$5,000 to support the Indigenous-led L’eau Est La Vie camps and related activities to protect water, communities and local ways of life from the Bayou Bridge pipeline in Louisiana, which would destroy over 600 wetland acres and disrupt some 700 water bodies, including the freshwater marshland of the Houma Nation and the fragile Atchafalaya Basin […]

Counselor Citizens HIA – Hózhóógó na’adá Committee

$2,500 to support a Diné community-led Health Impact Assessment of fracking in the Tri­-Chapter area of northwestern New Mexico to contribute to the development of stronger land management and public health policies, and help mobilize broad-based support for the protection of communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of the oil and gas industry.

Keeper of the Mountains

$5,000 to support work towards healthier, more sustainable mountain communities and ending mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia through education & organizing, direct actions and land easements inspired Larry Gibson, the late founder and inspirational leader of Keeper of the Mountains, whose family has been able to protect their ancestral home on Kayford Mountain […]

Indigenous Environmental Network

$5,000 to support the Protecting Mother Earth Conference, co-sponsored by the Indigenous Environmental Network and Indigenous Climate Action, an Indigenous-initiated, designed and led event held within the territories of the Nisqually Nation, near Olympia, Washington, for the purpose of uplifting the critical voices of those on the frontline battles against environmental injustice and climate change.

Louisiana Bucket Brigade

$2,500 to support grassroots and movement building and community monitoring activities to oppose oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the proposed Bayou Bridge Pipeline, which would move fracked oil across 11 South Louisiana parishes disproportionately impacting African American communities and destroying over 600 wetland acres and disrupting some 700 water bodies, including the […]

Indigenous Climate Action

$5,000 to support the Grassroots Grow Deep Indigenous Climate Justice Gathering hosted by the Cold Lake First Nation in northern Alberta, Canada, a First Nations organized and led gathering to discuss climate justice and share skills towards climate action.

Coal River Mountain Watch

$2,500 to support efforts to oppose over 6,500 acres of mountaintop removal coal mining operations on and nearby Coal River Mountain in West Virginia, utilizing an approach of intensive monitoring and public pressure to reveal a pattern of regulatory violations in order to shut down existing operations and deny new permits.

Extreme Energy Extraction Coalition (E3C)

$2,500 to support the 8th Extreme Energy Extraction Summit in Detroit, MI bringing together a wide variety of leaders representing groups across the country who are resisting all forms of energy extraction, specifically through providing travel support to participants from frontline communities with limited access to resources.

UK Tar Sands Network

$1,000 to support travel and participation of a key partner in the Fossil Free Festival to conduct trainings and media work in support of frontline communities fighting Alberta tar sands and fossil fuel extraction in the Gulf Coast.

Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas

$2,500 to support the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe hosting a series of mobilizations together with local allies around the theme of ‘Connecting the Sacred’ to highlight and challenge various fossil fuel projects in south Texas that are cumulatively impacting sacred sites, animals, communities and the climate, including plans to transform the coastal landscape of the Rio Grande […]

Alianza Ceibo

$5,000 to support 4 Indigenous leaders from the Ecuadorian Amazon (Kofán, Waorani, Siekopai, Siona) to attend and give a keynote speech at Bioneers and provide guiding wisdom to show what’s at stake for their rainforest territories, as well as attend other meetings and events in the Bay Area.

Yayasan Pusaka

$1,200 to support an Indigenous delegation from 5 communities in Papua and West Papua, Indonesia, to advocate for the enforcement of the country’s palm oil moratorium and the need to restore and strengthen Indigenous land rights.

Indigenous Environmental Network

$8,000 to support an Indigenous delegation to speak directly to regulatory decision-makers on the California Air Resources Board (CARB) ahead of their vote on the proposed Tropical Forest Standard, which in its current form would perpetuate pollution hotspots and environmental racism in California and also pose serious environmental and human rights risks to Indigenous and […]

Jaringan Advokasi Sosial dan Lingkungan Tanah Papua (JASOIL)

$3,800 to support Indigenous and farming communities impacted by large-scale palm oil plantations in West Papua, Indonesia, which has become a center of attention for investors, to develop the production of lemongrass essential oils as an alternative economic livelihood activity.

Amazon Watch

$5,000 to support a delegation from the Ecuadorian Amazon to the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), which presented itself as an “organizing moment,” with Indigenous and frontline communities from around the world converging for marches, mass protests and actions, while also convening a broad series of events, both inside and outside, to highlight the significance […]

Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indigenas de la Cuenca Amazonica (COICA), Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (AMPB), Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB)

$5,000 to each organization to support delegations from North and South America to the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), which presented itself as an “organizing moment,” with Indigenous and frontline communities from around the world converging for marches, mass protests and actions, while also convening a broad series of events, both inside and outside, to […]

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$10,000 to support work with Indigenous Tano Batak families in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari, a US$600 million pulp company, through local organizing and facilitated discussions to raise awareness regarding collective community rights to customary forests as well as trainings to prepare community members through negotiation and […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku

$5,000 to support the Kichwa Indigenous peoples of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon launch event of their pioneering Kawsak Sacha, or ‘Living Forest’ proposal to create a new category for permanent protection of native land free of natural resource extraction and further support their ongoing efforts that to date have kept an estimated 100 million […]

Yayasan Pusaka

$1,250 to support community meetings and workshops regarding Indigenous land rights and potential threats related to the expansion of palm oil plantations in Papua, Indonesia, and specifically prepping 2 villages for mediated resolution processes mandated by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil resulting from a formal complaint process.


$12,500 to support farmers groups in 5 villages in Jambi Province engaged in conflict resolution processes with pulp and paper companies to document land tenure history, perform participatory mapping of conflicts, hold village discussions and trainings (legal, rights and conflict resolution) and coordinate with and pressure company and government officials to resolve conflicts and recognize […]

Grassroots Consulting

$5,000 to support work with Indigenous Dayak communities in Sarawak, one of last frontier areas for palm oil expansion left in Malaysia and a critical ecological area due to forests and peatlands, with an action plan and framework towards achieving a mediated resolution to return native customary lands back to community ownership.

Associação das Comunidades Montanha e Mangabal

$4,000 to support descendants of migrant rubber tappers, the river-dwellers of Montanha-Mangabal, along with Indigenous groups in the Tapajós region of the Brazilian Amazon (including Munduruku, Kaxuyana, Tiriyó, Xeréu, Wai Wai, Txikyana, and Apiaká peoples) holding an assembly regarding their collective territorial auto-demarcation processes and to discuss other shared priorities to protect their traditional territories.

Hutan Kita Institute (HaKI)

$10,500 to support efforts to monitor major pulp and paper companies’ implementation of social and environmental commitments in Sumatra, Indonesia. The specific focus is to review concessions that are currently non-active and/or held by small companies, which collectively cover huge areas and are likely targets for expanded operations due to wood supply shortages.

Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan (WALHI Sulsel)

$5,000 to support documenting traditional practices and local wisdom and conducting participatory mapping in South Sulawesi, Indonesia as part of the Last Forest campaign and land rights initiative in 6 key regions of critical forest areas throughout the country where large blocks of rainforest have been well-managed by Indigenous communities but are now under threat […]

Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE)

$2,500 to support an Amazonian Women’s Congress and March for International Women’s Day. These activities provided an opportunity to refine strategies for protection of Indigenous territories and to prioritize sustainable alternatives to meet local needs in alignment with the vision of Indigenous women leaders who are steadfast in their demands for no industrial extraction within […]

Defensa y Conservación Ecológica de Intag (DECOIN)

$2,500 to support a mobilization to Ecuador’s capital city of Quito by communities impacted by large-scale mines. This mobilization sought to revoke illegally granted concessions with primary participation coming from the Intag area in the northwest of the country which is home to a biologically diverse and unique cloud forest ecosystem. Intag communities have stopped […]

Minnesotans for Pipeline Cleanup

$2,500 to support rural community efforts in Minnesota to stop a new tar sands pipeline from Enbridge, Inc. that would traverse over 1,000 miles from Hardisty, Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin, transporting an average of 760,000 barrels of crude oil from the Alberta tar sands each day, as well as pressuring Enbridge to decommission an existing […]

BOLD Nebraska

$1,500 to support a project to install solar panels in 3 sites on the land of local landowners opposed to TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline that will be connected to Nebraska’s power grid, generating clean, renewable energy for the state — as opposed to a risky pipeline that would provide little benefit to Nebraskans and […]

FANG (Fighting Against Natural Gas)

$2,500 to support community organizing and a finance campaign seeking to secure the cancellation of a proposed fracked-gas power plant in Burrillville, RI, building on a strong local and regional movement against the fracked-gas industry and major pipeline expansion plans in the Northeast.

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku

$1,500 to support in coordination with Amazon Watch a delegation of Indigenous youth and leaders from the Kichwa territory of Sarayaku from the Ecuadorian Amazon to participate in the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties 23rd convening (COP23) in Bonn, Germany to advocate for the protection of their ancestral territories and keeping oil […]

Eyak Preservation Council

$3,000 to support a grassroots campaign to protect ancestral Eyak homelands in Alaska, through efforts to stop the proposed Shepard Point deep water port and road, which would bring a cascade effect of development threats to the Copper River Delta, Prince William Sound, old growth forests and vital wild salmon habitat.

Louisiana Rise

$2,500 to support the Indigenous-led L’eau Est La Vie camp that will host trainings and workshops for partners to protect water and local ways of life from the Bayou Bridge pipeline, which would destroy over 600 wetland acres and disrupt some 700 water bodies, including the freshwater marshland of the Houma Nation and the fragile […]


$1,500 to support frontline community member participation in GAIA’s first U.S.-Canada Regional Meeting in over ten years to help determine the best strategies and pathways forward to advance environmental justice outcomes with the advent of a new administration intent upon rolling back environmental regulations. GAIA member organizations have been very successful in preventing or decommissioning […]

Society of Native Nations

$2,500 to support the Two Rivers Camp and campaign seeking to prevent the completion of the Trans Pecos Pipeline (TPPL), a project of Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, the same company that owns the Dakota Access Pipeline, that would carry fracked gas through West Texas impacting a number of Native communities and go under the Rio […]

Louisiana Bucket Brigade

$2,500 to support grassroots and movement building activities to oppose oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the proposed Bayou Bridge Pipeline, which would move fracked oil across 11 South Louisiana parishes disproportionately impacting African American communities and destroying over 600 wetland acres and disrupting some 700 water bodies, including the freshwater marshland of […]

Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Inc.

$2,500 to support a delegation to participate in the People’s Climate March of 300 students and faculty mentors from the Historically Black Colleges & Universities Climate Change Consortium, an initiative representing frontline communities in the southern United States engaged in environmental & climate justice work.

Associação Sociocultural Yawanawa (ASCY)

$4,000 to support strengthening efforts to monitor and patrol traditional Yawanawa territory covering nearly 500,000 acres of largely intact rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon, including training new members to expand the patrol team that to date has successfully stopped logging and other industrial activities.

Fundación TIAM

$5,000 to support legal defense, advocacy, and organizing related to efforts to stop a planned copper mega-mine on the lands of the Shuar Indigenous people in the southern Ecuadorian Amazon that has been approved by the government without seeking the consent of – let alone properly consulting with – the Shuar, despite the fact that […]

Associação das Comunidades Montanha e Mangabal

$2,000 to support efforts to auto-demarcate the traditional territorial boundary of the of Montanha-Mangabal communities along the Tapajós River in the Brazilian Amazon as a strategy to identify areas of illegal invasion, render visible the territorial limits to illicit loggers and miners and support overall monitoring and protection efforts, including efforts to stop the construction […]

Link-AR Borneo

$8,000 to support training members of several villages in key areas of West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of APP and APRIL’s forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building towards decreasing the large-scale deforestation and marginalization of local communities […]

Riau Forest Rescue Network (JIKALAHARI)

$7,500 to support work with 5 villages on Bengkalis Island, Riau, Indonesia, impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires that have not previously had any support to gather data regarding impacts on their customary lands and livelihoods and to engage in community organizing with the goal of protecting peatlands from conversion and securing […]

Resguardo Indígena Siona de Buenavista

$5,000 to support Siona Indigenous communities in Ecuador and Colombia that are working to secure recognition to over 120,000 acres of ancestral rainforest territory and to stop the placing of 8 seismic testing lines for oil exploration. This grant will specifically support the purchase and installation of solar energy and VHF radio communications systems that […]

TierrActiva Colombia

$2,000 to support a youth network climate justice gathering in Colombia to provide an opportunity to learn practical tools and skills and develop regional strategies for concrete actions, including efforts to increase the visibility of community-led resistance to extractive industries in the Andean and Amazonian regions.

Hutan Kita Institute – HaKI

$5,000 to support efforts to monitor Asia Pulp and Paper’s implementation of its social and environmental commitments and work with communities to help resolve ongoing conflicts related to the OKI Pulp & Paper Mills project, including verifying that any forest clearing process is conducted in accordance with agreements respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku (Tayjasaruta)

$5,000 to support a delegation of Indigenous youth, women and leaders from the Kichwa territory of Sarayaku from the Ecuadorian Amazon to participate in the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties 21st convening (COP21) in Paris, France to advocate for the protection of their ancestral territories and keeping oil in […]

Land is Life

$1,000 to support the Leading from the Land Summit, a gathering in Ecuador of grassroots Indigenous leaders that are part of the Land is Life network working to defend Indigenous lands, cultures and livelihoods, including participation from the Philippines, India, Nigeria, Chile, Brazil, the U.S. and Ecuador itself.

Link-AR Borneo

$8,000 to support training members of several villages in key areas of West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of major pulp and paper companies’ forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building towards decreasing the large-scale deforestation and marginalization of […]

Riau Forest Rescue Network (JIKALAHARI)

$7,500 to support work with 5 villages on Bengkalis Island, Riau, Indonesia, impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires that have not previously had any support to gather data regarding impacts on their customary lands and livelihoods and to engage in community organizing with the goal of protecting peatlands from conversion and securing […]

Riau Network of Peatland Communities

$5,500 to strengthen the capacity of communities in Riau, Indonesia, to secure land rights and the protection of peatlands and supporting the completion of one conflict resolution process that will provide a model for other villages impacted by pulp and paper plantations and related fires throughout the province.

Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)

$10,000 to support work with Indigenous Tano Batak families in the Lake Toba region in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, impacted by Toba Pulp Lestari, a US$600 million pulp company, through trainings to build local capacity to protect and sustainably manage forests through agroforestry systems and conducting participatory mapping of Indigenous territories.

Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group

$5,000 to support River Run 2016, a week of action against logging and mercury contamination on Grassy Narrows territory, including highlighting opposition to Ontario’s proposed 10-year Forest Management Plan, which again calls for clear cutting forests on Grassy Narrows territory without consent.

Alianza Ceibo

$5,000 to support trainings to develop community legal advocates and monitors from the Waorani, Secoya, Siona and Cofan nationalities in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon, as well as post-training activities to document and map threats, file petitions, utilize conflict resolution mechanisms and provide on-the-ground legal accompaniment.

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku (Tayjasaruta)

$2,300 to support the Kichwa community of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon holding an emergency assembly to address violations of its territorial rights by oil interests that have been attempting to get small settlements within the Sarayaku collective to negotiate oil deals. The emergency assembly will provide an opportunity to inform people about what is […]

Jambi Network of Peatland Communities

$5,750 to support ongoing work strengthening community capacity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to protect peatland ecosystems from the expansion of pulp and paper and palm oil plantations through participatory mapping of community claims and forest cover status to determine how that intersects with where current concessions are located and which companies have the licenses.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support the demarcation and monitoring of the Sawré Muybu territory of the Munduruku people, the last large un-demarcated swath of Munduruku territory in the Tapajós Basin, a jewel of the Amazon and home to an incredible array of plant and animal biodiversity that is threatened by Brazil’s plans to build 3 major dams.

Associação Sociocultural Yawanawa (ASCY)

$5,000 to support building a new ceremonial healing center both as part of a flood recovery process and to strengthen and promote traditional knowledge and health systems in an intergenerational way as the Yawanawa continue to protect nearly 500,000 acres of rainforest in their legally recognized traditional territory in the Brazilian Amazon.

Land is Life (on behalf of Waorani Nationality of Ecuador – NAWE)

$2,500 to support the participation of an Indigenous Waorani woman, Weya Alicia Cahuiya, to attend the 14th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) to meet with allies and government officials and raise awareness on the environmental damages and the violence generated in her region in the Ecuadorian Amazon from oil […]

Peruvian Federation of Achuar Nationalities (FENAP)

$5,000 to support an advocacy delegation to Iquitos, Peru of elected leaders, elders, youth and women representing the Achuar people of Peru’s Pastaza river basin to request that the Peruvian state annul the Block 64 oil concession for having been created in violation of the Achuar people’s right to prior consultation and to submit paperwork […]

Riau Network of Peat Communities

$5,000 to support the process to strengthen the capacity of 9 villages in Siak district in Riau, Indonesia, to engage in conflict resolution with Asia Pulp and Paper and promote policies supporting community rights and protection of peatlands.

Sabal Trail Resistance

$2,500 to support hosting action camps and direct action trainings in communities along the route of the Sabal Trail Pipeline, to oppose construction of what would be a 515 mile methane gas pipeline across the southeastern U.S. The Sabal Trail Pipeline has raised environmental justice concerns, would threaten the Floridan Aquifer that is home to […]

Philly Thrive

$2,150 to support the Refinery Resistance School for Organizers that will bring together for a series of organizing and direct action workshops frontline community members in Philadelphia who are emerging as leaders in a campaign seeking to shift political support against fossil fuel industry projects and towards a green economy for all, while specifically working […]

Coal River Mountain Watch

$4,000 to support efforts to oppose 5,000 acres of new mountaintop removal coal mining operations on and nearby Coal River Mountain in West Virginia, utilizing an approach of intensive monitoring and public pressure to reveal a pattern of regulatory violations in order to shut down existing operations and deny new permits.

UK Tar Sands Network

$1,500 to support frontline community-led actions at the Shell Annual General Meeting in Den Haag, Netherlands and the Shell London Investor meeting pushing for no new leases in Gulf of Mexico, including supporting the participation of Monique Verdin, resident of the Louisiana coast and member-elect of the Houma Nation Council, to speak and present a […]

The Alliance for Appalachia

$1,500 to support an event in Washington DC to train 30+ Appalachian leaders on how they can speak up to protect mountains, preserve water and to reclaim the future from the devastating legacy of coal mining in the region, as well as a corresponding mobilization to push for stricter water protections that would prevent future […]

Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE)

$1,500 to support an Indigenous-led action, including a delegation from Black Mesa, Arizona, to pressure Peabody and other parties with power in the world’s second-largest coal producer’s bankruptcy hearings, in an effort to wrest the company’s settlement away from big shareholders and executive bonuses and toward a “Just Transition Fund” for coal-harmed communities.

Honor the Earth

$1,650 to support a coalition of Native American and African American communities mobilizing at the Marathon Oil shareholders meeting against a proposed pipeline corridor through the heart of Minnesota’s lake country and Native homelands to refineries in a neighborhood in Detroit known as the most polluted area of Michigan.

Extreme Energy Extraction Coalition (E3C)

$2,500 to support the 6th Extreme Energy Extraction Summit in Mt Pleasant, PA, bringing together a wide variety of leaders representing groups across the country who are resisting all forms of energy extraction, with a particular focus on strengthening regional organizing where the Marcellus Shale and Northern Appalachian coalfields overlap.

FANG (Fighting Against Natural Gas)

$2,500 to support community organizing towards the cancellation of a proposed fracked-gas power plant in Burrillville, RI, and to build a stronger local and regional movement against the fracked-gas industry and major pipeline expansion plans in the Northeast.

Youth for Environment & Sustainable Development

$350 to support travel to two key areas in Malawi to meet with communities and document local resistance to a major coal mine and pending oil drilling near Lake Malawi that would threaten tourism, fisheries and clean water for people in three countries.

Indigenous People’s Power Project (IP3)

$2,500 to support IP3’s Training for Indigenous Trainers bringing together Indigenous activists and organizers from the frontlines of challenging fossil fuel extraction and combating the climate crisis to support and build their capacity to carry out self‐determined acts of resistance for their lands and communities.

Fundacion Red Colombiana

$1,500 to support efforts to strengthen and grow a community network on coal and climate in Magdalena department, Colombia with the capacity to mobilize against coal operations and to create a plan of action for containment of transportation and a goal of temporarily suspending operations of the country’s largest export terminal to review environmental and […]

Mountain Justice

$1,000 grant to support Mountain Justice Spring Break, which will bring together residents of frontline extraction communities, college students, environmentalists and concerned citizens to learn about mountaintop removal coal mining, fracking, and other forms of extreme energy extraction with a focus on cultivating the skills and vision needed to build a sustainable energy future in […]

Coal River Mountain Watch

$2,000 to support purchasing office space to be dedicated as the Judy Bonds Center, a permanent home for Coal River Mountain Watch to continue its work fighting mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining and its devastating impacts on Appalachian forests, water, wildlife and human health. CRMW’s Judy Bonds, who won the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2003 […]

Extreme Energy Extraction Coalition (E3C)

$2,000 to support the 4th Extreme Energy Extraction Summit in Biloxi, MS, bringing together a wide variety of leaders representing groups across the country who are resisting all forms of energy extraction, with a particular focus on strengthening regional organizing in the Gulf South.

Marea Creciente México (Rising Tide Mexico)

$2,000 to support the Climate Caravan team organizing climate dialogues, public events and workshops, and supporting direct actions coordinated by frontline communities and grassroots organizations that are fighting for climate justice as they travel through Mexico, Central and South America, with a final destination of the COP20 UN climate summit in Lima, Peru.

East Michigan Environmental Action Council

$2,500 to support EMEAC’s community organizing and capacity building efforts to pressure the City of Detroit to implement a zero waste model to shut down and replace its municipal solid waste incineration, which emits significantly more CO2 per megawatt hour than coal in addition to dioxins and heavy metals causing serious health impacts.

Keeper of the Mountains Foundation

$2,500 to educate and inspire people to work for healthier, more sustainable mountain communities and an end to mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia through education & organizing, direct actions and an innovative land easement program inspired Larry Gibson, the founder and inspirational leader of Keeper of the Mountains who passed away in 2012, […]

Extreme Energy Extraction Coalition (E3C)

$2,000 to support the 4th Extreme Energy Extraction Summit in Biloxi, MS, bringing together a wide variety of leaders representing groups across the country who are resisting all forms of energy extraction, with a particular focus on strengthening regional organizing in the Gulf South.

Kanawha Forest Coalition

$2,000 to support a coalition of organizations and local residents working to stop a mountaintop removal strip mine located just outside Charleston, West Virginia city limits and adjacent to the 10,000 acre Kanawha State Forest through engaging in potentially long-term, consistent and community-based non-violent direct action. Stopping this strip mine would prevent seven million tons […]

The Alliance for Appalachia

$2,000 to support Appalachia leaders hosting an interagency meeting with Obama Administration officials and a corresponding day of action in Washington DC to push for a timeline over the next two years to meet previous commitments related to reducing environmental and health impacts caused by mining practices and also timed to coincide with four critical […]

Keepers of the Athabasca

$1,500 to support the Tar Sands Healing Walk, an event with participation from more than 500 individuals from tar sands impacted communities and their supporters and allies hosted in Fort McMurray, Alberta, where major tar sands expansion is causing irreversible damage to both the environment and human health.

RReNEW Collective

$1,500 to support RReNEW Collective and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, based in Appalachia, VA, in their campaign to hold accountable billionaire mountaintop removal mine operator Jim Justice for a long list of safety, environmental and financial transgressions and ultimately to secure a commitment from his subsidiary companies to abandon surface mining all together.

Marea Creciente México

$2,000 to support the Climate Caravan team organizing climate dialogues, public events and workshops, and supporting direct actions coordinated by frontline communities and grassroots organizations that are fighting for climate justice as they travel through Mexico, Central and South America, with a final destination of the COP20 UN climate summit in Lima, Peru.

Link-AR Borneo

$4,000 to support training members of 30 villages in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of APP and APRIL’s forest and social responsibility commitments, while also providing additional trainings and support related to capacity building, mapping of tenure conflicts and the establishment of a conflict resolution roadmap.

Grassy Narrows Youth Organization

$2,000 to support the Save Keys Lake Campaign, which is intended as a step toward cancelling Ontario’s 10-year logging plan on Grassy Narrows First Nation’s territory and will provide an opportunity for this newly-formed organization to build skills and capacity.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support the demarcation and monitoring of the Sawré Muybu territory of the Munduruku people, the last large un-demarcated swath of Munduruku territory in the Tapajós Basin, a jewel of the Amazon and home to an incredible array of plant and animal biodiversity that is threatened by Brazil’s plans to build 3 major dams.

United Farmers of Jambi

$5,000 to support the mapping of land conflicts in 5 districts in Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia to identify where different types of plantations are located in relation to community claimed lands covering approximately 90,000 acres and to provide negotiation training and help prepare communities for independent mediation with Asia Pulp and Paper.

Women Movement for Sustainable Development – Liberia (WOMSUD)

$1,500 to support mobilization efforts together with newly formed women-led community based organizations in Grand Cape Mount and Bomi Counties in northwestern Liberia to limit the expansion of palm oil plantations onto community land and forest areas associated with a 750,000 acre concession granted to Malaysia company Sime Darby and to document livelihood activities that […]

Oro Community Environmental Action Network (OCEAN)

$5,000 to support travel and other costs for two community representatives of Collingwood Bay in Papua New Guinea’s Oro Province to attend the annual Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil meeting in Malaysia to support their RSPO complaint and meet with Malaysian Company Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) and its financiers to call for the withdrawal of […]

Save Sarawak’s Rivers Network (SAVE Rivers)

<p>$500 to support the SAVE Rivers network’s efforts to raise awareness in Sarawak, Malaysia about the risks of building 12 proposed mega-dams on the traditional lands of Indigenous peoples, which would forcibly displace tens of thousands of people and also flood more than 500,000 acres of rainforest.</p>

Scale Up – Sustainable Social Development Partnership

$7,000 to support a conflict resolution and negotiation training for 25 United Farmers of Jambi leaders, a mediation process between an Indigenous community and a pulp and paper operation impacting their land, and the compiling of baseline data to prepare for conflict resolution training and support with communities in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia that live […]

Gutting the Heartland

$2,000 to support Gutting the Heartland’s efforts to connect movements against fossil fuel devastation through photos, video and personal narrative, with a particular focus on organizing Illinois Coal Basin residents to stop the expansion of the Eagle Creek #1 mine to 4 times its current operations.

Eyak Preservation Council

$2,000 to support Eyak Preservation Council’s efforts to protect the Eyak ancestral homeland and the last pristine wild salmon habitat in Alaska by pursing a grassroots strategy to leverage funding towards the acquisition and conservation of the Bering River coalfield, which would mitigate between 100 to 185 million tons of CO2.

The Alliance for Appalachia

$2,000 to support a three day training for 30 new organizers across Central Appalachia to strengthen grassroots efforts to stop mountaintop removal coal mining and build leadership in new communities.

Japan NGO Network on Indonesia (JANNI)

$2,000 to support a community mapping project being conducted, with support from JANNI, by Dayak communities in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which have faced increasing deforestation resulting from large-scale logging and the rapid advancement of palm oil plantations.

Yayasan Wahana Bumi Hijau (WBH)

$7,500 to support pulp and paper related community engagement, including participatory mapping, monitoring and advocacy work and conflict resolution between several villages and Asia Pulp and Paper and Marubeni Corporation in the district of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) which covers nearly 4.7 million acres of riverine terrain in the east of the province of South […]

Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku (Tayjasaruta)

$1,500 to support an award-winning Sarayaku filmmaker producing a 10 minute advocacy video, including covering costs for travel to remote Indigenous communities to shoot footage and record testimonials, to demonstrate the unified stance of resistance to oil across all of the 7 Indigenous nationalities in the Ecuadorian Amazon potentially impacted by the XI Oil Round […]

Mother Nature

$3,000 to support a movement of environmental activists, Buddhist monks, and remote communities fighting to stop the proposed Cheay Areng dam in the Areng Valley of southwest Cambodia that would flood 50,000 acres of rainforest and displace thousands.

Save Sarawak’s Rivers Network (SAVE Rivers)

$500 to support the SAVE Rivers network’s efforts to raise awareness in Sarawak, Malaysia about the risks of building 12 proposed mega-dams on the traditional lands of Indigenous peoples, which would forcibly displace tens of thousands of people and also flood more than 500,000 acres of rainforest.

Link-AR Borneo

$3,000 to support a project in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, working with villages and training a grassroots team to build a community-based monitoring system to track the implementation of Asia Pulp and Paper’s Forest Conservation Policy commitments and gather evidence to be used to hold the company accountable.

Foundation for Uganda Women Development

$1,500 to support expanding an existing successful agroforestry and tree planting project in Uganda through establishing two additional tree nurseries supported by rainwater harvesting tanks, which will seed one additional model farm where methods such as alley cropping, live fencing, woodlots and beekeeping will be demonstrated for, and maintained by, project participants.

Yayasan Citra Mandiri Mentawai

$2,500 to support organizing a series of workshops in villages throughout the Mentawai Islands off the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia with the aim of building awareness of the negative impacts of palm oil and promoting with the District government office green and community based economic options, such as agroforestry methods based on local knowledge. […]

Jambi Network of Peat Communities

$5,000 to support strengthening community capacity in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to protect peatland ecosystems from the expansion of pulp and paper and palm oil plantations through participatory mapping of community claims and forest cover status to determine how that intersects with where current concessions are located and which companies have the licenses, as well […]


$2,000 to support a project in Sarolangun District, Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, working to promote Indigenous land rights through a multi-stakeholder workshop documenting the advantages of Indigenous management systems that, unlike the plantations and gold mining that are threatening the region, provide income supporting the local economy while protecting forests and the watershed.

Movimento Munduruku

$5,000 to support transportation and partition of Munduruku community from the Tapajós Basin in the Brazilian Amazon, currently fighting to stop 3 planned mega-dams that would impact their territory, to participate in the National Indigenous Mobilization, a week-long protest at the Brazilian Congress in response to a proposed law that would amend the constitution to […]

WALHI Kalimantan Barat

$6,000 to support efforts to address the threat of industrial monoculture plantations in West Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo through sharing recently compiled baseline data to be used for planning future campaign activities, including through an advocacy workshop with participation from approximately 40 people representing civil society and impacted communities.

Pueblo Kichwa de Rukullakta

$2,500 to support workshops to solidify opposition in all Rukullakta communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon and lay the groundwork for outfacing activities to prevent Canadian company Ivanhoe Energy’s potentially environmentally and socially devastating plan to deploy highly questionable technology to attempt to recover and convert heavy, tar sands-type oil to lighter crude for export.

United Farmers of Jambi

$3,000 to support a project working with farmers in Sumatra, Indonesia who lost over 17,000 acres seized by Asia Pulp and Paper in 2001. Through helping to establish a rubber tree seedling nursery in the conflict area and facilitating a mediation process, PPJ helped the farmers re-secure control over more than 10,000 acres.

Federation of the Achuar Nationality of Peru

$4,5000 to support the relocation of an Achuar community to a new location at the heart of their ancestral territory in the Peruvian rainforest near where oil company Talisman Energy planned to begin production drilling as a means of trying to keep their territory free from new oil exploitation. Also supported an inter-ethnic congress to […]

Radical Action for Mountain People’s Survival (RAMPS)

$2,150 to support trainings to prepare community members and activists in Appalachia for a mass nonviolent direct action that temporarily shut down the largest mountaintop removal site in the United States in order to increase political pressure and help build and embolden grassroots efforts to ban all forms of strip mining in West Virginia.

Campa̱a AmazonĚ_a por la Vida

$2,000 to support grassroots efforts to pressure the national government to commit to its proposed plan to keep oil under the ground in YasunĚ_ National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon, which would result in preventing 407 million tons of CO2 emissions and help protect one the most important biological areas on the planet that also […]

Indigenous Environmental Network

$2,500 to support the participation of several Indigenous leaders from Canada and the United States in the massive two week White House Tar Sands Action sit-ins calling on President Obama to not approve the planned Keystone XL pipeline.

Confederación Indígena del Oriente Boliviano

$1,500 to support a delegation of Indigenous leaders from Bolivia’s National Park and Indigenous Territory Isiboro Secure (TIPNIS) to attend 6th Pan Amazon Social Forum, taking place in Bolivia. Communities from the TIPNIS region have been fighting a major road that would threaten their territory and the Forum provides an ideal platform for threatened communities […]

Conservacion, Naturaleza y Vida

$2,500 to ĺĘsupport mapping and physical demarcation of boundaries for Majé Cordillera in Panama to obtain collective land title recognition of 20,000 acres of rainforest territory for an Embera community to help protect rainforests from loggers that have been extracting cocobolo trees for export to high-paying markets in Asia.

Maya Leaders Alliance

$2,500 to support Maya Leaders Alliance, an organization that has helped secure major land rights victories in recent years and is now defending that progress and challenging a potential oil drilling project through a major 2 month grassroots mobilization incorporating 38 Maya communities consisting 21,000 people living within a region covering 500,000 acres of forested […]

Yayasan Wahana Bumi Hijau (WBH)

$4,500 to support field work, mapping and research to produce a study and short video to provide a detailed understanding of suppliers, potential impacts on forests, and local peoples’ perspectives related to a major new pulp mill that would be one of the world’s largest requiring an estimated 1.5 million acres of forest to feed […]

Rural Women Development Association

$1,000 to help this women-led organization that has been achieving impressive results on a shoestring budget drastically enhance its capacity and efficiency through the purchase of a laptop and printer to be used to support its community training and capacity building efforts to promote tree planting and rainforest protection in rural Uganda.

Caura Futures

$3,500 to support Caura Futures conservation efforts within the 45,300 km² Caura River Basin in the Venezuelan Amazon through providing training and tools to safeguard Indigenous knowledge, improve human health, and promote good ecosystem stewardship, including addressing the issue that some youths today are more likely to fell, rather than climb, a palm tree for […]


$5,000 to support work with 5 villages in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia to strengthen community management systems and values and help secure control and protection for over 40,000 acres of customarily-owned “village forest” through holding a series of meetings to reach collective decisions to develop and implement 35 year management plans that consider ecological, economic […]


$4,000 to support a series of capacity building workshops with local communities in Riau Province, Indonesia to protect peatland forests through the development of low carbon livilihoods that protect biodiversity and prevent high CO2 emissions, while providing just and prosperous sources of income, as an alternative to the devastation caused by the pulp and paper […]

Defenders of the Land

$2,000 to support community organizing and direct actions to protest the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline led by youth from Carrier Sekani Tribal Council Nations in western Canada whose territory would be impacted by the proposed pipeline route.

The Ruckus Society

$2000 to support participation of individuals from Indigenous communities impacted by tar sands development in the Advanced Action Boot Camp for Eco-Justice, a 7-day intensive advanced skills and strategy training.

Indigenous Environmental Network

$2,000 to support an action camp hosted by the ‘Unist’ot’en (People of the Headwaters) of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, with Indigenous participants from energy corridor proposed communities in British Columbia, tar sands extraction-impacted communities from Alberta and pipeline-impacted communities from Minnesota and North Dakota.

Organizacion Shuar de Morona (OSHDEM)

$3,000 to support an inter-ethnic congress of Shuar, Achuar, Wambisa, Shapra, Kandoshi and Kichwa peoples in the Morona river basin in the northern Peruvian Amazon in order to discuss the common threats to their territory, watershed, rivers and lakes posed by pending oil drilling by Talisman Energy in Block 64 with the objective of forming […]

Keepers of the Athabasca

$4,000 to support the 2011 Tar Sands Healing Walk, attended by several hundred people from tar sands impacted communities, hosted in Fort McMurray where major tar sands expansion is causing irreversible damage to both the environment and human health.

FundaciĚ_n Runa

$3,000 to support the creation of a 200 acre mixed-use agroforestry project, incorporating cacao, coffee, and guayusa to provide income for communities, while also serving as a strategic buffer zone around the Colonso Protected Area, 25,000 acres of natural forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Black Mesa Indigenous Support (BMIS)

$2,150 to support the Indigenous peoples of Black Mesa who are resisting unjust large-scale coal mining operations and forced relocation policies on Dine’ and Hopi traditional homelands in the Black Mesa region of Northeastern Arizona.

Climate Ground Zero

$2,000 to host trainings to help prepare activists to engage in non-violent direct action to address climate change, including supporting efforts to stop mountaintop removal coal mining in Coal River Valley in southern West Virginia.

Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

$2,500 to support a major gathering on the anniversary of an Indigenous-led strike throughout the Peruvian Amazon against oil development with the goal of strengthening the resolve of regional based organizations and communities to defend their collective territories through increased knowledge of available legal tools and precedents, including ILO Convention No. 169 and the UN […]

Ya’axché Conservation Trust

$1,000 to support an advocacy campaign to secure the Government of Belize’s commitment to protected area legislation, specifically focusing on the most recent illegal, environmentally and socially detrimental activity, a proposed hydroelectric facility within the most restricted and perhaps most pristine protected area in the country, Bladen Nature Reserve.


$5,000 to help the organization deepen their critical work supporting Achuar, Quichua and Urarinas communities in the Corrientes and Pastaza river basins in the northern Peru Amazon, a region impacted by 4 decades of oil development, through a program to monitor a collective 3 million acres of traditional territories, as well as organizational capacity building […]

Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre (MXVPS)

$5,000 to provide emergency funding to support a unified grassroots response to the Brazilian government’s plans to move forward with construction of the Belo Monte dam complex, which would devastate more than 1,500 square kilometers in the Amazon and result in the forced displacement of 20,000 people.

Mountain Justice (fiscally sponsored by Coal River Mountain Watch)

$1,000 to support the 2010 Mountain Justice Summer Training Camp, consisting of ten days of training, strategizing, bonding, service and action for veteran and novice activists and for people living both within and outside of the coalfields of Appalachia to cultivate the skills and visions needed to abolish mountaintop removal and build vibrant, healthy, self-reliant […]

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN)

$4,000 to support community organizing to push for free, prior and informed consent and other land reform in Ontario building from the government’s commitment to protect 225,000 square kilometers of the Far North Boreal region.

Keeper of the Mountains Foundation

$1,500 to support Larry Gibson’s tireless work bringing thousands of people to witness the destruction caused by mountaintop removal coal mining to help build a movement to ensure his ancestral land on Kayford Mountain in West Virginia will not become a part of the 7,000 acre MTR site that surrounds it today.

Mobilization of Indigenous People of the Cerrado (MOPIC)

$5,000 to support the production of a documentary focusing on Bunge and Cargill’s operations in the heart of the Brazilian Cerrado in Mato Grosso to raise awareness and be used as an organizing tool to engage and empower communities on the frontlines of soy expansion, some of whom have fields coming right up to the […]

Black Mesa Water Coalition

$1577 to support work by this inter-tribal community organization to address environmental justice and Indigenous Rights issues in the Southwest, including efforts to keep the world’s largest coal company, Peabody, from mining on Dine’ and Hopi traditional homelands.

Coal River Mountain Watch

$1577 to support the Coal River Valley Wind Project, a proposed wind farm on Coal River Mountain in southern West Virginia that would provide an alternative to the planned mountaintop removal coal mining operation.

Associação Indígena Kïsêdjê

$4,000 to support a gathering of members of the four Kisedje communities to organize and education all Kisedje people about agribusiness, its threats, and the Indigenous movement in the Brazilian Cerrado currently challenging the expansion of soy production.

Eyak Preservation Council

$5,000 in support for resistance to the proposed Shepard Point deep water port and road, which would bring a cascade effect of development threats to the Copper River Delta, Prince William Sound and vital wild salmon habitat, all under the pretext of creating an oil spill response port, for which there are 2 well-research alternate […]

Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group

$5,000 to support a three day gathering of youth from Grassy Narrows (who were the catalysts and initiators of the community’s blockade of their traditional territory) and other First Nations communities.

Traditional U’wa Authority

$2,500 to support a grassroots mobilization of U’wa community members in defense of their territory in the cloud forests of northeastern Colombia against imminent gas extraction activities, also facilitating a delegation of civil society allies, civilian government officials, and international media.

Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

$2,500 to support a major gathering on the anniversary of an Indigenous-led strike throughout the Peruvian Amazon against oil development with the goal of strengthening the resolve of regional based organizations and communities to defend their collective territories through increased knowledge of available legal tools and precedents, including ILO Convention No. 169 and the UN […]

Defenders of the Land

$1,250 to support the organizing of a national day of action with participation from First Nations across Canada, one of the only countries that at the time still opposed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to shine a spotlight on the country’s continued policy to remove First Nations’ control over their land […]

Ya’axché Conservation Trust

$1,000 to support a comprehensive advocacy campaign to secure the Government of Belize’s commitment to protected area legislation, specifically focusing on the most recent illegal, environmentally and socially detrimental activity, a proposed hydroelectric facility within the most restricted and perhaps most pristine protected area in the country, Bladen Nature Reserve.

Oro Community Environmental Action Network (OCEAN)

$4,000 to support community outreach, education, and organizing in the Musa Pongani area of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea, to resist new logging permit applications covering 250,000 hectares approved by the government without consultation as 99 year leases.

Maya Leaders Alliance

$4,000 to support a Supreme Court lawsuit that seeks to force the government to comply with its commitment to abstain from carrying out activities that might affect the value and use of Maya lands in the rainforests of southern Belize without informed consent and the development of a mechanism through which communities can apply to […]

Boreal Action Project

$3,000 in support for a cross-cultural action camp in Manitoba, Canada between urban activists and youth and Elders from Indigenous communities to discuss methods of furthering mutual goals and build campaign, media, and direct action skills.

Boreal Action Project

$3,000 to support a cross-cultural action camp in Manitoba, Canada between urban activists and youth and Elders from Indigenous communities to discuss methods of furthering mutual goals and build campaign, media, and direct action skills.


$3,000 to support Amo Amazonia, a week of artistic and cultural events to bring the color and life of the Amazon to the streets of Lima and the hearts of the Peruvian people to help educate the general public and shift attitudes in the wake of the recent blockades and conflict between the government and […]

Mushkegowuk Environmental Research Centre

$3,000 to support a First Nations youth conference, with participation from all 7 communities throughout Ontario that belong to the Mushkegowuk Council, focused on raising awareness around the topic of climate change and providing a forum for the youth to share their concerns and vision for the future of their territory.

Comision Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz

$3,000 to support work on behalf of Emberá communities living in the lower Atrato, Colombia, an area rich in minerals and expanding palm oil plantations, by a legal case in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and pressuring the government to enforce its denouncement of paramilitary violence and the illegal expansion of plantations onto community […]

Keepers of the Athabasca

$4,000 in support for the 1st First Nations led documentary project regarding tar sands, focusing on the stories of Elders who have worked, raised families, lived off the land and waters of the region and witnessed the many changes to the watershed and how they have impacted their communities over the course of their lives.

European Environmental Paper Network (EEPN)

$3,000 to provide bridge funding to maintain a part-time coordinator for 5 months to allow EEPN to continue networking on the Shrink Project (which recently secured a commitment from the French government to reduce paper consumption by 50%), the Indonesia Paper Campaign, and the Virtual Global Summit on the paper industry.

Amazon Jam

$2,500 in support for a 5 day Amazon Jam in Brazil bringing together over 30 young leaders, activists, supporters, and journalists, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous to rally and unite people against oil and soy development in the Amazon.

Algonquins of Barriere Lake

$3,000 in support for ongoing efforts by the Algonquins, among the most advanced communities in Canada in terms of their research and land use planning, to pressure the government to respect its signed agreements pertaining to resource co-management and sustainable development.

Grupo de Trabajo ‘Racimos de Ungurahui’

$3,000 in support for representatives from Racimos and the Indigenous Achuar federations FECONACO, AIM and ATI, to travel to Calgary and Los Angeles to engage directly with officials of Talisman Energy and Occidental Petroleum at their annual shareholder meetings regarding current and past oil concession on Achuar territory.


$5,000 to support a training for local leaders and their subsequent travel to hold 2 day workshops in 50 communities in rainforest regions of Sumatra to inform them about the potential impacts from palm oil plantations, using a film (played on community karaoke systems) of testimonials from already impacted communities.

Lembaga Gemawan

$4,000 to support a community organizing and education campaign to counter heavy government PR around plans for massive expansion of palm oil plantations along the Indonesian/Malaysian border in Sambas District, West Kalimantan.

Grassy Narrows Environmental Committee

5,000 to support travel expenses for 7 members of Grassy Narrows, including youth and chaperones, and one leader from the KI community to go to southern Ontario for a week of activities in support of the First Nations National Day of Action, including erecting a nine-meter teepee on the front lawn of the Ontario legislature.

Oilwatch Ecuador

$4,500 in support for a creative campaign backed by the Ecuadorian government that would keep crude oil in the subsoil permanently in YasunĚ_ National Park in the Amazon, halting the planned ITT oil project, in exchange for international financial support.

Save America’s Forests (on behalf of the Waorani)

$2,500 to support Save America’s Forests and Land is Life’s work with the Waorani to curb illegal logging by signing 6 month contracts with leaders to not allow logging on their territory in Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon as a temporary measure while the government is working with community leaders to develop a […]

Associação Floresta Protegida

$3,000 in support for the participation of Kayapo community members at the meeting/protest in Altamira, Brazil against the Belo Monte Dam planned for the Xingu River, which would be the world’s 3rd largest.

Niska Traditional Memorial Gathering Committee

$1,000 in support for a 5 day festival in Moose Factory, Ontario to showcase and celebrate the Omushkego Cree culture and honor the youth and the geese which bring the community sustenance and life, with workshops addressing concerns over land, water and global warming.

Ardoch Algonquin First Nation

$5,000 to support the efforts of Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, an Aninshinaabe community of about 700 in southeast Ontario, that has established a blockade to prevent Frontenac from developing an open-pit uranium mine on their traditional land.

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC)

$2,500 to support OVEC’s efforts to stop mountaintop removal in West Virginia and to acquire security equipment needed for community leader Maria Gunnoe’s safety as she faces ongoing harassment and intimidation due to her role as a spokesperson and organizer.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (on behalf of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug)

$5,000 in support of KI, a fly-in community of approximately 900 people located 400km from the nearest road in the Canadian Boreal, in its legal efforts to defend its treaty rights against a $10 billion lawsuit filled by Platinex and to mount a constitutional challenge to so-called ‘free entry’ mining and the Ontario Mining Act.

Defense and Ecological Conservation of Intag

$3,000 to help DECOIN build on the already strong community-level opposition to mining company Ascendant Copper, as well as support continued citizen patrols of at risk areas and the establishment of additional community watersheds in the biologically diverse Intag region of northwest Ecuador.

Land is Life

$2,000 to support two members of the Zapara community from the Ecuadorian Amazon to travel to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and a training preceding the Forum to build capacity for representatives from over 20 Indigenous communities around the world to strengthen their ability to participate in the meeting and other international […]

The Borneo Project (on behalf of 3 Indigenous communities)

$5,000 for 3 new community-based initiatives to protect primary forest at the headwaters of 3 rivers in Malaysian Borneo, with activities including participatory planning, proposal development, watershed mapping training, negotiation and demarcation of 3,000+ acres towardsĺĘcustomary rights for the communities and forest protection.

Amazon Defense Front

$5,000 to support the sixth bi-annual congress of the coalition of Indigenous and non-Indigenous inhabitants of the Ecuadorian Amazon, to elect new leaders, review plans and projects (especially around the ChevronTexaco lawsuit and judicial inspections), and to allow base communities to report on their monitoring of Petroecuador, Oxy and Encana facilities and pipelines.

Friends of Grassy Narrows

$3,000 to support two public educational events featuring spokespeople from the Pimicikamak Cree community of Cross Lake and from a community of the James Bay Cree on expected environmental and social impacts of major proposed hydro developments for northern Manitoba (including in roadless areas of the Boreal).

Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group

$2,170 to support a three day gathering of youth from Grassy Narrows (who were the catalysts and initiators of the community’s now 4-year blockade) and other First Nations communities, including workshops on traditional skills and leadership building, sweat lodges and traditional feasts and discussions led by Indigenous leaders on tribal and treaty history and Indigenous […]

Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum

$5,000 to support PNG EFF’s efforts to challenge recent logging permits in order to save 920,000 hectares of pristine tropical rainforest from large-scale commercial logging and to establish a legal precedent to ensure all laws governing the management of forestry resources are adhered to.

Red de Permacultura America Latina en el Peru (REDPAL-PERU)

$2,500 for the construction of a lombriculture structure that will use captured rainwater, rabbit pellets and earthworms to produce humus to be used for reforestation and community gardens in a Shipibo-Konibo community in the Peruvian Amazon as part of their ongoing efforts to achieve economic and ecological sustainability.

Federation of Huilliche de Chiloé Communities

$5,000 to work with three Huilliche communities (82 families) on the island of Chiloé to preserve its native forests through land title initiatives and creating sustainable income-generating opportunities in the newly created 10,000 acre Huilliche National Park.

Alianza de Nacionalidades

$5,000 for travel of three Indigenous leaders from communities in Ecuador and Peru affected by Burlington Resources to the ConocoPhilips AGM in Houston (which is merging with Burlington) to continue their multi-year effort to confront oil companies with a unified voice and to raise the profile of their struggle.

Oilwatch Ecuador

$3,000 for communities impacted by, and campaigning against, ChevronTexaco operations in Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Suriname, Brazil and Argentina to travel to the 2nd People’s Health Assembly in Cuenca, Ecuador to exchange experiences and strategize.

Xavante Wara Association

$3,500 to support a gathering of delegates from Xavante and Kraho territories in Sao Paulo to hold a high-profile media event and discuss their plans for protecting the Cerrado, Brazil’s expansive woodland-savanna that is currently being cleared for large scale agriculture projects.

Traditional U’wa Authority

$4,000 to support newly elected U’wa President Berito Cobaría, and community leader Daris Cristancho, on a visit to the US to embark on a speaking tour, meet with members of Congress and attend a strategy meeting, among other activities.

Sakhalin Environment Watch

$4450 to support an Indigenous-led protest against Sakhalin-I and Sakhalin-II, the largest integrated oil and gas project currently under construction anywhere in the world.

Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)

$1,000 to support a 5 day workshop in the Peruvian Amazon to be attended by 150 chiefs and leaders of 50 Indigenous communities, as well as representatives from regional, national and international Indigenous organizations in order to inform leaders about the environmental, social and cultural impacts of oil activities and gather information on the impacts […]

Hupacasath First Nation

$2,000 to support the Hupacasath’s lawsuit challenging the Canadian government’s order allowing Weyerhaeuser to log, without consultation, on the community’s traditional territory on Vancouver Island.

Indigenous Forests Restoration Initiative

$5,000 to help five traditional Indigenous communities in Sarawak, Malaysia to establish and expand simple tree and rattan nurseries to enrich forests that have been degraded by the activities of the Shin Yang logging concession over the past several decades, thereby strengthening their legal efforts to obtain land title recognition.

The Julian Cho Society

$1,000 to allow JCS’ Chair, Cristina Coc, to travel this summer to coordinate the legal registration of JCS and to hold meetings and coordinate efforts with other Indigenous and environmental leaders with the aim of building the organization in order to carry on the work of Julian Cho, who was murdered for his leadership in […]

Kaxinawa Rubber Tappers Association of Rio Jordão

$2,500 to support the Huni Kuin Cooperative in Acre the western Brazilian Amazon, which works to generate income for families, obtain title to additional Kaxinawa traditional territory between the Jordão and Tarauacu rivers, create new extractive reserves and monitor illegal logging.

Association of Indigenous Communities of Sarayaku (TAYJA SARUTA)

$1,500 to support the Kichwa community of Sarayaku, which has been experiencing the militarization of their traditional territory to provide ”security” for multinational oil companies, including Burlington Resources from the United States and CGC from Argentina, which are carrying out seismic testing in the region despite the fact that the people of Sarayaku are staunchly […]

Land is Life

$5,000 grant for an emergency request from community leader Moi Enomenga to support the mobilization via helicopter of 120 Huaorani to attend a Congress to elect new Huaorani leadership that will reverse the position of the current leadership and honor the will of the community members to stand up against new oil development on their […]

Traditional U’wa Authority

$7,500 to provide general support for U’wa efforts to build capacity, expand leadership training and experience for women in the community, support a legal team to defend U’wa land claims, and build alliances through grassroots organizing with surrounding communities.

The Friends of the Rogue-Kalmiopsis

$1,000 to purchase a video camera to document before and after cutting of healthy trees around stream buffers in the proposed Siskiyou Wild Rivers National Conservation Area in Oregon, the most biologically diverse national forest in the West, which under the pretense of salvaging fire damaged timber is being sold off as part of the […]

Oxygen Collective

$1,000 in general support of Oxygen Collective’s multi-year effort to stop logging in the Siskiyou Wild Rivers National Conservation Area in Oregon, the most biologically diverse national forest in the West.

Maya Ecological Literacy Project

$3,000 to bring together 30 elders in the Ecological Reserve of the Ejido Tres Garantias region in the Yucatan peninsula for a gathering where they can openly discuss the problems they are facing from rapid development by government and multi-national corporations and where they can formulate a plan of action to protect the region, one […]

Instituto Raoni

$2,500 to support a meeting of all Indigenous peoples of the Xingu watershed being organized by the Kayapo to coordinate a united response to dams, pollution, ecological destruction, and invasion of Indigenous territories by colonizers.

Amazon Defense Front

$3,300 to support a year-long project that will allow FDA to continue its leading role in coordinating a lawsuit seeking reparations from CheveronTexaco for communities impacted by the company’s dumping of toxic wastes into the pristine rivers, forest streams and wetlands of the Ecuadorian Amazon, ignoring industry standards and the health of local residents in […]

National Zapara Organization of the Ecuadorian Amazon

$5,000 to support the production of an illustrated trilingual children’s book written by and for the Zapara community that can be used at the local, national and international level to strengthen the community’s language and cultural revitalization efforts and illustrate the community’s relationship with its rainforest home to help its efforts to stop oil exploitation […]


$3,000 to allow GeoAustral to carry out an investigation of the illegal trade in Alerce wood in Chile and to file legal complaints on the national and international level.

Machiguenga Council of the Urubamba River (COMARU)

$5,000 to conduct an investigative trip of the entire Camisea gas project area, along the Upper and Lower Urubamba river basin in Peru, visiting all affected communities to consult about project impacts and to gather testimonies and visit and document project construction sites.

Machiguenga Council of the Urubamba River (COMARU) and Interethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)

$5,000 to fund an emergency project to carry out a critical analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessments for the upstream and downstream sectors of the Camisea gas project and to distribute the study’s results to Indigenous communities and organizations located in the impact area of the project in order to promote an informed and participative […]

The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group

$1,960 to support the Amani Butterfly Project, which will help ensure the preservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains, a forest region that is one of the most biologically diverse terrestrial habitats in the world, through the creation of a butterfly-farming group among forest-adjacent agricultural communities.

Fuerza Ambiental

$5,000 to support the efforts of Fuerza Ambiental and the Sierra Madre Alliance to mount a legal defense and public campaign to free local Tarahumara activist Isidro Baldenegro Lopez (who later received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize) and to resolve the land fraud that has granted control of his community’s forests to drug cartels.

Grupo de Trabajo ‘Racimos de Ungurahui’

$5,865 to allow Racimos staff to receive training in the production and distribution of documentaries to be used as a tool to forward their mission of providing direct support to Indigenous communities in the Peruvian rainforest through capacity building, legal support and the dissemination of information about the threats facing these communities.

Grupo de Trabajo “Racimos de Ungurahui”

$600 to support the travel of Racimos Director Lily La Torre Lopez and a small team of lawyers and scientists to a meeting of the Achuar people to offer information and technical assistance to the community in support of their resistance to a new pipeline which is planned through their traditional land.

Acción por la Vida

$4,000 to support an effort to prevent the construction of Ecuador’s OCP oil pipeline through the ecologically prized Mindo-Nambillo Cloudforest.

The Nigerian NGO Coalition for the Environment (NGOCE)

$5,001 to support NGOCE’s campaign to protect the Cross River rainforest, the 2nd largest intact forest in Africa and a critical hotspot of biodiversity, through community organizing and the implementation of economic alternatives to logging and bush meat hunting, such as grasscutter, mushroom and snail farms, honey cultivation and the development of soaps and detergents […]

Acción Ecológica

$5,000 to enable Acción Ecológica to pursue several strategies to resist the construction of the OCP pipeline, which would pass through 11 protected areas, including the Mindo Nambillo Cloudforest Reserve, home to 450 bird species, 46 of which are threatened by extinction.

Citizens for Environmental Safety

$5,000 to support an effort to create an alternative source of income through the cultivation of rubber trees and the sustainable management of the 247 hectare NDE community forest, which would help provide protection from illegal timber dealers.

Jatun Sacha Foundation

$5,002 to implement traditional Quichua agroforestry techniques, including reforestation of endangered native mahogany species, and the small-scale marketing of traditional arts to provide a supplemental source of income.

Censat Agua Viva

$2,001 to help organize a two-day workshop on oil exploration in the Colombian rainforest and its impacts on forest ecosystems and Indigenous peoples, including a visit to an oil drilling site and a strategy session on how to strengthen organizing techniques of local communities and national and international grassroots organizations.


$5,017 to support ABGREMO’s campaign to protect mangroves in Cross River State, Nigeria by educating and working with local communities about the important of mangroves to the local economy and through the formation of Community Mangrove Forest Management Committees (CMMC) in pilot communities.

CED Cameroon

$5,169 towards efforts to protect 2,500 hectares of the last remaining forests in central Cameroon, the protection of the only river providing water to Bougnougoulouk and neighboring villages, the protection of wildlife of the Bougnougoulouk forest from poachers, and the halt of the desertification process of Central Cameroon.

Sierra Madre Alliance

$5,000 to legally restore land rights to local communities, begin planning of locally controlled forest reserves and alternatives to logging, and to create a cultural interchange and permaculture training in order to create reserves and alternatives for the communities’ economies.

Friends of the Nation

$6,000 to help stop logging in the sacred Sekyere Hemang Grove in Ghana and to repair local deforested areas through an agroforestry project.

Pico Bonito National Park Foundation (FUPNAPIB)

$5,000 with which FUPNAPIB aims to complete the demarcation of a protected area in Honduras and to identify where the highest biodiversity and greatest threats are in order to obtain funding to increase the existing number of park guards to carry out monitoring activities.

Telapak Indonesia

$5,016 to help with maintaining a continued presence of Environmental Investigation Agency and Telapak Indonesia campaigners in both Jakarta and Central Kalimantan in order to increase pressure on national and regional authorities to investigate and track the sale of illegal timber to consuming markets, especially the United States.

Center for Amazonian Workers

$5,000 to develop renewable forest resources, such as herbal remedies, plant oils, and ornamental plants that would be sold to local markets as economic alternatives in the Rio Branco area of the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre.

Citizens for Environmental Safety

$1,583 to help local communities of the Cross River State with education and resource management training to help address the problem of deforestation, including establishing 30 Community Development Volunteers from 10 different communities.

Acción Ecológica

$5,000 to help defend Yasuni National Park and the Cuyabeno Reserve from the proposed ITT oil project through non-violent direct actions, letter writing campaigns, political pressure, media work, and national and international pressure on oil companies.

National Council of Rubber Tappers

$5,008 in general support for Chico Mendes’ Sustainable Rainforest Campaign and its effort to create and gain legal recognition for a 1.7 million-acre reserve on the Tapajos River in the state of Para.


$6,500 to support efforts to challenge ARCO’s planned oil exploration on Quichua territory in Pastaza in the Ecuadorian Amazon through community organizing, workshops and non-violent direct actions.

Amazon Defense Front

$3,300 to strengthen a campaign against Texaco, including supporting grassroots organizing around a groundbreaking lawsuit against the company and monitoring and enforcing its commitments to clean-up the hundreds of open toxic waste pits and polluted rivers caused by its operations in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Amazon Defense Front

$4,500 to fund workshops, coordinated by Shuar and Achuar communities, aimed at strengthening the communities’ capacity to respond effectively to impending oil threats to their territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Eyak Preservation Council

$5,000 to support a grassroots advocacy campaign directed towards building support for a comprehensive conservation easement alternative to the Bering River extraction project proposed by the Chugach Alaska Corporation.

Luna Media

$10,000 of general support to Luna Media in their work with North Coast Earth First! to continue and increase media outreach as actions continue around Headwaters ancient redwood forests.

Rescate del Bosque Tropical (Rainforest Rescue)

$4,000 to support a reforestation project in the subtropical humid region of Pinchincha, Ecuador aiming to restore 25 acres of forest to its natural state, with the involvement of local families who will also reforest an acre each of their own land, replanting it with native species, including non-timber forest products which may be sold […]


$600 in support for Joaquim Yawanawa of the Yawanawa of Brazil during his two month internship in the Bay Area to receive training in alternative media and policy development to assist his efforts in focusing international attention on human rights as they apply to Indigenous peoples.

Aukiñ Wallmapu Ngulam

$1,920 to support an Alternative Assembly of Indigenous Peoples from Latin America to participate in the 1998 Summit of the Americas in Chile in order to voice their concerns about how Indigenous peoples‰ŰŞ rights and livelihoods are affected by the processes of economic integration in Latin America.

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